Kinder Cottage Publishing was started just a few short years ago in 2012 by Howard and Ann Closs. The company bases their focus on providing materials that are characteristic of western civilization such as history, literature, Christianity, and culture. However, Kinder Cottage Publishing’s main goal is to develop and provide products that help parents train and instruct young children.

The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Peter Rabbit at the Farm
Peter Rabbit's Christmas
How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea
Peter Rabbit Goes A-Visiting
Peter Rabbit's Easter
Peter Rabbit's Birthday
When Peter Rabbit Went to School
Peter Rabbit and the Little Boy
Peter Rabbit and Jack the Jumper
Each of these books was originally written by Duff Graham for the Henry Altemus company over 90 yrs ago. The Kinder Cottage Publishing company has edited the books to modernize the text. For example, the word velocipede was originally used to mean a bicycle. Peter Rabbit at the Farm
Peter Rabbit's Christmas
How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea
Peter Rabbit Goes A-Visiting
Peter Rabbit's Easter
Peter Rabbit's Birthday
When Peter Rabbit Went to School
Peter Rabbit and the Little Boy
Peter Rabbit and Jack the Jumper
When we were deciding which two titles we wanted for our collection I let McKenzie (4) help me pick since I knew I would be reading them to her the most and since the books are recommended for children aged 3-9. She was very happy when her two choices came in the mail.
Let me tell you a little bit about each book that retails for $4.00 each. Or you can purchase the entire 10 book set for just $30.00.

We have really enjoyed reading these two books and will be adding the other 8 stories to our collection this month. I have read these two books to McKenzie over 100 times, seriously! She now knows the stories by heart from the pictures and you can often find her reading them to her babies and stuffed animals. Now that baby Micah is here, he has been listening to the stories too.
We have enjoyed these timeless classic stories of Peter Rabbit and do not have any trouble spending the money to add more to our home library. Also, Kinder Cottage Publishing has offered a special bonus just for readers of Schoolhouse Review Crew blogs, head over to the website and enter the code 'TOS' for 20% off your purchase. Be sure to check out what my Crewmate thought of these two books and the other 8 up for review by clicking the banner below.

Company ~ Kinder Cottage Publishing
Product ~ Peter Rabbit at the Farm and Peter Rabbit's Birthday
Price ~ $4.00 each or $30.00 for the set of 10
Ages ~ geared towards 3-9 year olds