Monday, June 30, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Random 5 on Friday ~ June 27th
It’s Friday and that means it is time for some random thoughts. This is my first Random 5 on Friday post hosted by Miranda over at The Pebble Pond. So here I go…
1. We drove to Michigan this pass weekend and dropped off Marie to her pre-college scholarship program. It was bittersweet leaving her there. {I didn’t cry though}
2. Traveling with a 1 month old is an adventure in and of itself. It took us 15 hours, 44 minutes, 48 seconds, and 5 milliseconds to drive home on Monday according to Madison’s iPod timer.
{we had to stop 30 minutes from our house, this little guy was done sitting in his carseat}.
3. McKenzie has been playing Wheel of Fortune on the Wii lately. She loves to spin the wheel and guess letters. I make sure she says the letter before pressing it so that I know she is actually recognizing the letter correctly.
4. Like most other homeschooling moms I am in the midst of planning our 6th year of school. That involves lots of praying and re-reading books like The Well Trained Mind.
5. I am not a huge fan of grocery shopping, but since we have to eat I am trying to get back into being frugal. I seem to have lost my frugal mojo while I was pregnant. Do you have any tips besides using coupons?
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Micah is 1 month
Time sure does have a way of flying by when you are having fun snuggling and loving on this sweet baby boy.
It feels just like yesterday that I was in the hospital waiting to hear if the Dr’s were going to send me home for bed rest or take him out early at 36 weeks. So glad the latter was chosen because we were all ready to meet our little guy.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Monday, June 16, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014
We Choose Virtues: Parenting Cards ~ a TOS review

We Choose Virtues is a curriculum that inspires character in kids and was created by mom and teacher, Heather McMillan. Our family was blessed to receive a physical set of the Parenting Cards in NIrV version, along with the PDF downloads of the following:
Family Character Assessment
Teacher's Handbook
Butterfly Awards for Kids

We Choose Virtues focuses on the twelve main character traits with catchy names for each character, like Stop Sign Madeline (I am Self-Controlled).
The Parenting Cards include the following 12 virtue cards:
- I am Attentive
- I am Content
- I am Diligent
- I am Forgiving
- I am Gentle
- I am Honest
- I am Helpful
- I am Kind
- I am Obedient
- I am Patient
- I am Perseverant
- I am Self-Controlled

The front of each card contains the name of the virtue, a catchy phrase to memorize, a Bible verse, antonyms of the virtue, and the featured “Virtue Kid”.

We Choose Virtues has everything you need to teach about positive character qualities including posters, clue cards, coloring books, assessments,teachers manuals, classroom kits, homeschool kits, family kits, and more! Products are available in both secular and Christian programs, either with or without scripture references.
Once we had taken the assessment to see where everyone stood, it was easy for me to see that we needed to start with the I am Diligent virtue. To use the parenting cards I hung the character trait we were working on one of our daily boards. That way it was visible for everyone to see, especially when someone needed a reminder. I really like how the coloring pages tie in to the trait.
We wholeheartedly give We Choose Virtues two thumbs up! I love everything about the program and what it does to help me teach character to my
Click the banner below to read what my Crewmates thought of these cards and the other products up for review.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 ~ a TOS review

Online games are a great extension to our homeschool day so I was really excited when we were selected to use this product. LearningPalette is the online recreation for the LearningPalette boards. Recommended for students in grades K-5th the palettes are self answering with 6 different levels for math and 4 different levels for reading.
We received a full Online Family Subscription for all levels of the Reading/Math Palettes for a full year for up to 5 users. This subscription normally retails for $59.95. With over 35 math levels and 20 different reading titles for grades K-5, your student will have access to almost 8,000 questions to answer!
Setting up your account and logging on to the program is quick and easy. Once you are in the program simply click on the area you want to focus on, Math or Reading. Then select the level you would like, basic – level 5 for Math and basic – level 3 for Reading.
Once you have selected your topic the game board is brought up on screen. Simply follow the directions on the right hand side and match the colored disks to the correct answer. When you have finished the entire disk, check your answer and see if you got them right. There is also a spot for the parents to check the progress for each student you have signed up.
I used this program with Mikayla (11), Montana (7), and McKenzie (4) with great success. They all enjoyed logging on to the program whether it be on the iPad, laptop or desktop computer. I primarily used this program as a supplementary to our current math program 3-4 times a week. We were able to use it more during tennis season when my two youngest would bring the iPad to the matches and play.
Overall, the girls and I have really enjoyed this program. My only complaint is that when I have the girls all logged in on separate computers/devices the program does not recognize their progress individually. For some reason it only recorded data in the progress report for McKenzie. Now, this could be user error on my part but that is my only gripe with the program. Will this keep us from using the program? Nope! We enjoy this program so much and the girls like it and ask to “play”. I am so impressed with this program that I am ordering some other products from Learning Wrap ups for our summer studies including Learning Wrap up Basic Math Intro Kit,10 Days to Multiplication Mastery Wrap up and Book Combo , and 10 Steps to Addition Mastery Wrap up and Book Combo .
Learning Wrap ups has been quite generous and is offering readers of this blog 20% off of their products. Just use the code "HOMESCHOOL" to receive 20% off your order (use the same code at for 20% off the online program).
We give this program two thumbs up and definitely think you should check this program out for yourself. Be sure to click the banner below and check out what my Crewmates thought of this program or the other products up for review.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Kinder Cottage Publishing: Peter Rabbit at the Farm, Peter Rabbit’s Birthday ~ a TOS review

Kinder Cottage Publishing was started just a few short years ago in 2012 by Howard and Ann Closs. The company bases their focus on providing materials that are characteristic of western civilization such as history, literature, Christianity, and culture. However, Kinder Cottage Publishing’s main goal is to develop and provide products that help parents train and instruct young children.

Peter Rabbit at the Farm
Peter Rabbit's Christmas
How Peter Rabbit Went to Sea
Peter Rabbit Goes A-Visiting
Peter Rabbit's Easter
Peter Rabbit's Birthday
When Peter Rabbit Went to School
Peter Rabbit and the Little Boy
Peter Rabbit and Jack the Jumper
When we were deciding which two titles we wanted for our collection I let McKenzie (4) help me pick since I knew I would be reading them to her the most and since the books are recommended for children aged 3-9. She was very happy when her two choices came in the mail.
Let me tell you a little bit about each book that retails for $4.00 each. Or you can purchase the entire 10 book set for just $30.00.

We have really enjoyed reading these two books and will be adding the other 8 stories to our collection this month. I have read these two books to McKenzie over 100 times, seriously! She now knows the stories by heart from the pictures and you can often find her reading them to her babies and stuffed animals. Now that baby Micah is here, he has been listening to the stories too.
We have enjoyed these timeless classic stories of Peter Rabbit and do not have any trouble spending the money to add more to our home library. Also, Kinder Cottage Publishing has offered a special bonus just for readers of Schoolhouse Review Crew blogs, head over to the website and enter the code 'TOS' for 20% off your purchase. Be sure to check out what my Crewmate thought of these two books and the other 8 up for review by clicking the banner below.