Thursday, March 13, 2014 ~ a TOS review Review

Trinity's 11th birthday 111Math has always been Mikayla’s favorite and strongest subject. Ever since she was little she has always been mathematically inclined. However, recently fractions have caused her to stumble a bit so you can imagine my surprise when we were offered Mastering 5th Grade Math - Volume 1 - Essentials of Fractions from Review

For the last six weeks Mikayla and I have had the privilege of working through the two DVD set of Mastering 5th Grade Math - Volume 1 - Essentials of Fractions. Written and produced by Jason Gibson who has earned several advanced degrees in Engineering and Physics. He has also worked as a real Rocket Scientist for NASA, how cool is that?! Mr. Gibson has a passion for teaching Math and Science and  has been releasing Math and Science DVD’s since 2004. I love the statement he says about mastering Math:

The secret to mastering Math at every level is to never skip any steps when teaching a student any concept - no matter how elementary.    ~website

I completely agree with this statement! If you write out each step you are less likely to make a simple addition mistake or forget to drop down that negative sign. I make encourage my older daughters who are in Algebra 2 and Pre-Algebra write out each step and low and behold if they get something incorrect it is most likely because they missed a step. Yes, it does take longer and use more paper, but I would rather them see the progression and get the answer correct the first time then have to go back and redo one or several problems. Review

So, just what does Mastering 5th Grade Math - Volume 1 - Essentials of Fractions DVD include? Glad you asked :) This two disk DVD set includes everything you need to help your child master 5th grade math. Disk 1 contains 16 thorough, yet quick lessons that last approximately 30 minutes long. Topics included on the disk are:

1. Review of Fraction Concepts

2. Writing Fractions as Words

3. Finding Factors of a Number

4. Finding The Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

5. Finding The GCF of 3 Numbers

6. Prime Factorization

7. Equivalent Fractions

8. Renaming Fractions

9. Simplifying Fractions, Part 1

10. Simplifying Fractions Part 2

11. Review of Improper Fractions

12. Review of Mixed Fractions

13. Converting Mixed Fractions to Improper Fractions

14. Converting Improper Fractions to Mixed Fractions

15. Thinking about Fractions as Division

16. Writing a Whole Number as a Fraction

Within each lesson Mr. Gibson provides numerous opportunity to solve example problems. Each problem shown builds upon the first to ensure that every concept is understood. Along with example problems the program comes with a disk (Disk 2) which is filled with worksheets for each of the lessons  covered. Also on disk 2 are answer keys for all the worksheets along with a digital copy of the video lessons.

My older two girls  watch their math lectures on the the big TV in the family room so you can just imagine how excited that Mikayla was to be able to do the same. If watching math on the big screen gets anyone excited to do lessons then I am all for it!

She would sit either on the floor or on the couch with her paper and pencil in hand and attentively watch the lesson for the day. I was able to have Mikayla watch 1-2 lessons per week. Sometimes in addition to her regular math lessons and other times as a supplement to her daily lesson. It really just depended on the day and our schedule. With this schedule we have made it to lesson 11 on the Disk, with is Review of Improper Fractions.


Have fractions in Mikayla’s daily math been getting easier? Yes, they have and I owe that all to Mr. Gibson! His techniques and teachings have helped Mikayla to fully understand the ways to solve any type of fraction she runs into so far.

Overall, I give this product 5 stars from our little schoolhouse. If your child is struggling with fractions or any other math concept I am pretty sure Mr. Gibson has a video for it to help clear the confusion. So what about price? Listing price is $21.99 but right now you can get this two disk DVD set for just $15.99. It includes everything you need to help your 4th-6th grader completely understand fractions.

I recommend everyone check this DVD program out and the other grade levels offered too! Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of this product and the other products being offered, Amazing Science, Volume 1, Algebra 1: Volume 1 with Fractions Thru Algebra Companion Worksheet CD, by clicking the banner below.

Click to read Crew Reviews

Company ~

Product ~ Mastering 5th Grade Math - Volume 1 - Essentials of Fractions

Price ~ Regularly priced at $21.99 but on available now for $15.99 physical copy, $14.99 digital download

Ages ~ 4th – 6th graders

Compatible with standard DVD players, PC or Mac computers that have a standard DVD drive. All DVDs are encoded "region free" which means they will play on any DVD player anywhere in the world. Review


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