Friday, February 21, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up ~ week 22: The one where we came back from FL

In my life this week things have been kind of slow. We enjoyed the long holiday weekend last week as we traveled to and from Florida for Mikayla’s gymnastics meet. We arrived home a little after 6PM on Monday night. I have yet to post about our trip to Legoland, FL, but I hope to get that up on the blog early next week. I have so many fun pictures I would like to share. Here’s one to tide you over :)


Unfortunately, we brought back a nasty bug with us that has made rounds through the house. Fever, vomiting {for some}, and a wet cough…YUCK! I was hoping to escape this bugs nasty grip but I think it has finally caught up with me. Either that or my body is starting to slow down with this pregnancy. I will take the first though, I was so enjoying my new found energy.

school day Collage 

In our homeschool this week we made some significant progress even through the sickness. The Lt had the rest of the week off so that was nice for him to be home. Tuesdays is our co-op day, however, only McKenzie and I made it. We missed 1st hour, which I disliked, but we made it nonetheless. Marie and Mikayla stayed in bed all day Tuesday. They were feeling miserable and I felt miserable for them. By Wednesday everyone had started to feel a bit better which I was incredibly thankful for. The weather was nice enough to open the back door and a few windows to “air” out the house and get some fresh air moving through.

 Feb misc 002 Ninja turtle McKenzie

We are in full Science Fair mode here at our house. Can I just say it is stressful? Not only because I have Madison participating in the fair but because my science class I teach at co-op is also participating. That’s 5 other children that I am gently nudging along to the best of my ability, even though I only see them once a week. I have great faith in all of the students and I know they will get their projects done, its just the leading up to it that is a tad stressful.

fish experiment Collage

Mikayla worked on an experiment this week as she learned about fish and how they use swim bladders to help them float in water. I must say the experiment and corresponding reading was interesting. Montana tagged along this week and watched and asked questions since we are currently reviewing a science program online. She even drew up a picture of the experiment all on her own which I thought was great! I will be sharing a review about the science program Montana is working with on Thursday next week, be sure to come and check it out.


I need to say that sentence diagramming is hard work especially when Mama is tired! Madison is in the throes of getting into the complex sentence diagramming. I understand the theory behind it, but man, sometimes my mind was spinning this week thinking, is this really relevant?!I know the answer is YES, so we will keep plugging away with Rod & Staff.

outside play Collage

I am also putting the final touches on Marie’s high school transcript this weekend in preparation for mailing her completed summer scholarship application on Tuesday. She’s finalizing her essay that must be completed for the process also. Can I just say that I am so very thankful for her wonderful writing teacher at co-op! She is amazing and Marie is able to pull her thoughts together and produce amazing work. So, thank you Candice!!!

So, that was our week. I hope you have had a great week in your school whether it be home, public, or private! Have a great weekend!

Homegrown Learners
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