Friday, January 31, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up ~ It’s a BOY!!!

Micah Collage

Yes, you read that right. The Caffey’s are having a BOY!!! It’s finally sinking in to me that the active baby in my belly is truly a little boy. Next week I hope to share with you my story of God’s faithfulness and timing. As you can see from the bottom picture little Micah is quite the acrobat with his feet above his head.

All is well and he is growing just perfectly, currently weighing in at 13 ounces. The scan of his belly shows no blockages or signs of problems so that is swell news. We are scheduled to have a secondary ultrasound in March at 28 weeks to make sure that things are still presenting well in his belly. McKenzie’s duodenal atresia did not present until 30 weeks so they are hoping to get a heads up if Micah has the same condition. I did opt to take a blood test recommended by my geneticist to give us a heads up of whether or not I am a recessive carrier of any of the 100 anomaly's that can be detected. It will give the girls are better understanding too as they enter into their child bearing years many, many {many} years down the road.  {the extra many is for the Lt}

20140124_222303 Last weekend Mikayla and I spent the weekend, Friday through Sunday, in the Big Apple. My Aunt Joyce accompanied us and it was quite fun! We took a train in from DC to Penn Station. It was my first time on the Amtrak and it was quite enjoyable and relaxing.  Mikayla didn’t actually compete until early Sunday morning but it was nice to be in the city and do a little shopping before the meet. It was bitter cold but we were prepared with lots of layers.

Unfortunately, Mikayla did not have the best meet Sunday morning. She ate an overabundance of bacon {6 big pieces} for breakfast and the gym was incredibly hot. Those two things did not combine well for her and she got forcibly sick.  I am proud of her for being able to complete her floor and beam routines even though she was not feeling good. Her two best events are vault and bars and she was disappointed on the way home that she could not compete those and try to reach her AA goal of a 36.00 for this meet. Here are her scores:

Beam ~ 8.425

Floor ~ 8.950

NYC Baby Micah reveal 032  warm ups

On Tuesday we got 8 inches of snow. The girls are loving it and are excited to hear that next Saturday we are expected to get more snow. As far as school has gone we have actually not done much schooling since last Thursday except co-op schooling, reading, and TOS Crew review work. Which in and of itself is plenty. I have been doing some planning and researching for next school year and I am so happy that Sonlight has said there will be a Core 500, World History for 11th/12th graders.

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After discussing with my Aunt, the Lt and I have decided to let Madison drop General Science. In short she is super bored with it and has already been exposed to a lot of the material already. So instead of her favorite subject of Science being a nagging battle to complete  she is taking her last module test today and then Monday will start her Science Fair project for the rest of the year. The science Fair is being put on at our co-op and will count for 50% of her science grade. She is eager to get started on it and the twinkle is back in her eyes regarding science. That makes this Momma happy! Currently, our co-op offers and is planning to offer Apologia Biology next year and I am going to enroll her into that class for the fall.

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I look forward to Monday and getting back into the routine of schooling before we take off for our next gymnastics meet held in Orlando, FL in mid-February. As much as I love snow I am ready for some warm weather. I am looking forward to going back to Orlando and going to Universal Studios the one place we didn’t get to visit last September.

I hope you have had a blessed week!

Homegrown Learners
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