Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wordfull Wednesday: Tiny ~ #FMSphotoaday

I had an ultrasound today and got to see this tiny little one. It was worth the wait and commotion that went on in the waiting room at the hospital.

Micah 12 weeks

Baby Micah is looking good at 2.5 inches long from crown to rump and is really laid back in uterus with a strong 4 chambered heartbeat. I love that technology is so advanced now that we can get an early glimpse of this sweet little ones face.

My 20 week ultrasound is confirmed for January 27th at 10AM. We have to meet with the genetics counselor at 9AM, so that will be interesting trying to get my water intake in and holding it :)

Micah 12 weeks

Things should get quite interesting the preceding weekend since Mikayla has a gymnastics meet in NY City the 24-26th of January. I am praying that she competes on Saturday or early Sunday so we can get home. I am a little bummed that the girls will not be able to accompany us to this ultrasound because it is at the main hospital. However, my doctor’s office does a facial ultrasound between 28-30 weeks to check for cleft palate and they will be able to attend then.

I can’t wait until January 27th!!!

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