Friday, December 27, 2013

Christmas traditions recap {lots of pictures}


I wanted to quickly write about our Christmas Eve and Christmas day celebrations. This year was very special and relaxed because we stayed home and didn’t travel. Not that I don’t like traveling up North to visit friends and family, but sometimes it makes the few days leading up to Christmas quite hectic upon our return.

Christmas 2013, part 2 on 60D 061

This year we were not as rushed as we anticipated the celebration of Christ’s birth {Montana made this picture in her art class at co-op}. Our family tradition includes going to see the Christmas lights on Dec. 23rd. This year we ventured back down to VA Beach to see the lights as we road down the boardwalk. Even though it was raining this year we still had a great time as a family!

Christmas lights 2013

Christmas Eve we go see the big man in red bright & early. This year we left later than our usual 8AM, and had to wait in line a bit. However, this mall Santa and elves always make it worth the wait.

Christmas with Santa 2013

Santa doesn’t play a huge part in our Christmas celebration, but the girls, young and old (even though they wont admit it), like to go and visit him. I love the photo op so it’s win-win for all. At Christmas I like to display all of our past years of Santa pictures to see how the girls have grown. Next year we will have 6 kiddo’s in the picture, fun!

After Santa pictures it is home to make cookies and decorate the gingerbread house. While Marie and I cut out and baked cookies, the younger girls decorated the gingerbread house.

gb house 

This year the girls wanted a lot, 68 to be exact, of sugar cookies. I think they will rethink that next year as they all got tired of frosting and decorating with about 20 cookies left.


Now, normally we go to Christmas Eve services during the 3PM service, however, I slept through my alarm clock but not McKenzie spoon feeding me pretend baby food. So instead of rushing to get out the door we decided to just stay home this year. I will definitely plan better next year :)

girls Montana is always a willing model :)

For dinner we always either make or get Papa John’s pizza. Lately we have been making our own pizza’s which the girls enjoy because they shape the dough into creations. Plus, It’s cheaper on the wallet to make the dough and by all the fixings they like. Montana can’t handle too much red sauce so she gets to put on just the right amount for her belly on her pizza. This year Madison made me a snowman shaped pizza and I do not have a picture of it, bummer!

pjs ss

After dinner and chores it’s time to open Christmas Eve secret santa gifts and the yearly pj’s gift. This year because I was such a bargain shopper I was able to get the girls each 2 pair of pj’s for the price of 1. Score for me! The only thing is that I usually have them wear matching pj’s. Everyone was please with their pj’s but I think next year I will go back to coordinating pj’s :)

 new bikesOnce everyone was fast asleep the Lt and I placed the girls gifts under the tree and Santa came and dropped off his one gift while everyone slept. Christmas morning the girls slept in until 630AM then the fun started as we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and opened the gifts.

christmas morning All those cookies the girls frosted become apart of what is a Christmas morning breakfast tradition of the 4 C’s. Cinnamon rolls, cookies, candy, and Clementine's.


christmas pickle winner

McKenzie was the Christmas pickle winner this year! She was so excited to win!

The rest of the day we just hung out, relaxed, and watched Christmas movies. McKenzie ate so much candy she went into a sugar overload. She was good after we flushed her system with water :) The girls played with their toys, pretty much Lego’s all day while I talked to family and friends on the phone and FaceTime.

Keith Chris VA visit Aug2013 233

I pray that you and your family had a great Christmas filled with love and joy. It was a blessed year for us and I can’t wait to see what is in store for 2014!

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