Monday, November 11, 2013

Apologia Educational Ministries: Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics ~ a TOS review

Apologia review 1

My girls really crave science. They amaze me with the knowledge they have acquired from our favorite science curriculum provider, Apologia Educational Ministries. When I heard that the new book, exploring Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics was up for review I was super excited. You see, last school year I strayed from Apologia as our  homeschool science curriculum and used a different product for Madison's 6th grade Chemistry, and I felt there were many gaps and areas we didn't cover. So, when this book was offered I knew I wanted to use it to fill in the gaps for Madison (12) and as Mikayla (10) & Montana (7) science for this school year.

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Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics is the latest elementary release from Apologia Educational Ministries and is geared for grades K-6. Jeannine Fulbright has authored this book and the other 6 books in the elementary series which all follow the Charlotte Mason methodology.  Like the other books this book also includes big, beautiful color photos wrapped inside a hardcover binding. After all these years using Apologia I never knew about the special website link that is found in the front of the book. This link gives you access to information and extra worksheets to enhance your Chemistry and Physics studies. Definitely check this out there is valuable extras included.

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For this review we were blessed to be able to request the hardcover book and a copy of the Junior Notebooking Journal along with the a regular Notebooking Journal to use with the girls. I was fully prepared to purchase a second Regular Notebooking Journal for Mikayla, but Because of a shipping error, I received 2 copies of each notebooking journal for a total of 2 Junior and 2 Regular journals. Apologia was gracious enough to let me keep the extra Notebooking Journals for future use. A huge plus for me since I have younger kids who will eventually get to use this science text.

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Text ($39.00):

Jeannie Fulbright presents a scientifically sound and God-honoring study that covers atoms, molecules, simple chemicals, laws of motion, electricity, magnetism, and simple machines. It is a wonderful way to teach your young students just how God made everything in the universe.    ~website

Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics 071

This book contains the following topics:
1. Chemistry and Physics Matter
2. Moving Matter
3. Building Blocks of Creation
4. Compound Chemistry
5. Multitude of Mixtures
6. Mechanics in Motion
7. Dynamics of Motion
8. Work in the World
9. Sound of Energy
10. Light of the World
11. Thermal Energy
12. Electrifying Our World
13. Mysterious Magnetism
14. Simple Machines
Supply List
Answer Key
Photo and Illustration Credits

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Throughout each lesson are several "Try This!" sections. This is an extensive list of experiments/activities to try first hand. They are marked separate from the text in light blue rectangular boxes and list and explain everything needed for that experiment.  As of right now there is not a supply kit that you can purchase for the book like other books, however a comprehensive supply list is provided in the back of the book. Most of the supplies needed are common household goods so you don't have to go hunting all over town to find what you need.

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The notebooking journal provides a handy schedule so that you may opt to complete the book within 28 weeks if you completed science studies twice a week. If you wanted a faster pace or if you do science 4 days a week you could complete two books books in one school year. It's really up to you which pace you chose to follow. While it is not necessary for you to purchase the notebooking journals when using the textbook, it does add a special touch to the studies. It also can serve as a keepsake down the road to look back on.

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Notebooking journal ($24.00):

Notebooking journal provides a place for the student to record experiments and display his or her work. A variety of supplemental activities include full-color mini books, crossword puzzles, and even more fun experiments. Recommended for use by students who have mastered handwriting, can take notes, and enjoy upper-elementary-level activities. ~ website

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Junior journal ($24.00):

Age-appropriate activities include coloring pages, easy and fun science experiments, full-color mini books, and basic exercises to strengthen early-elementary-level vocabulary. Perfect for younger elementary students or those students with limited writing skills. ~website

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After looking over the journals I decided to have Madison use the regular journal and Mikayla & Montana used the Junior journals. While Mikayla is completely capable of using the regular journal I chose to let her use the Junior journal because it offered less writing and more opportunity for coloring which she enjoys. She gets plenty of writing practice from our History/Literature program so I am not concerned as I do have her recite orally more than Montana. Also, the regular notebooking journal has a “What Do You Remember” after each lesson. I treat this as her science test for checking comprehension.

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We basically followed the schedule as provided in the Notebooking journal. My goal is to complete our science studies at least 3 days a week, however, lately we have only gotten 2 days done. Which is better than nothing in my book :) everyone joined in on some of the experiments, Including Marie (16) and McKenzie (4). Right now a lot of the experiments Madison has already done and are review, so I give her the option to participate. She eagerly always does because she is my budding Astrophysicist.

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As you have probably figured out, we are not strangers to the apologia world. My oldest Marie (16) is currently using the Advanced Biology book while Madison is concurrently studying General Science. I plan to use apologia throughout our educational journey for all the girls. I may have strayed last year, but now I have figured out what works for our family and I plan to stick it out for the long haul. Which with a comprehensive program such that Apologia offers that is not hard to do!

Apologia review 6
Do I recommend Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics for homeschool science ? Absolutely, positively, hands down I recommend you check out this and the other science products Apologia offers if you want a truly God honoring, scientifically sound, and user friendly program for your kids.  I have rearranged our science plans for this year so that Mikayla & Montana will finish out the year with this book and dive into Zoo 3 next fall. Be sure to check out what my fellow CrewMates have said about their own experiences with Apologia by clicking the banner below to read the reviews.


Company ~ Apologia Educational Ministries
Product ~ Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics
Price ~
Text (hardcover) $39.00, Regular Notebooking Journal ($24.00), Jr. Notebooking Journal $24.00
Ages ~ K- 6th grade

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