This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

YWAM Publishing: Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose ~ a TOS review

YWAM, who? I know that’s probably what YWAM Logo photo YWAMLogo_zpse2d5593a.jpgyour thinking. And I will admit that is the first thing I thought when I read the title when this vendor was offered for review. I quickly realized that I was already familiar with the YWAM Publishing company because the history curriculum we use uses several of the books. Once I put two and two together I knew I wanted to be on the review for Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose and its corresponding study guide, Jim Elliot: Unit Study Curriculum Guide.

YWAM Publishing is the publishing division to the Youth With A Mission organization and is headquartered in Seattle, WA. There mission is to provide quality Christian materials to help fund children and adults around the world through vital missions programs. We received a PDF copy of the book and study guide for the purpose of this review. However, the book is available in either paperback, Kindle or Nook version for just $6.99. The corresponding study guide retails for just $7.99.

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While the girls and I were familiar with Jim Elliot, it was great to have an in-depth look into his story. Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose written by Janet and Geoff Benge retells the exciting and touching true story of an ordinary man whose trust in God accomplished extraordinary things for God’s glory in the Ecuadorian jungle. This book tells the story of how Jim and his fellow missionaries, Nate, Ed and Roger, gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, to bring the gospel of Christ to those who have never heard it.

The study guide that correlates with the book is a gem! It is 62 pages and choke full of activities and projects including:

  • Student Explorations ~ essay writing, creative writing, hands-on projects, audio/visual projects, arts/crafts
  • Social Studies ~ reproducible maps, geography, terms/vocabulary, journey tracking, critical thinking
  • Bible Study ~ scripture memorization, devotional application, spiritual concepts
  • Community Links ~ meaningful field trips, guest speaker ideas, service projects
  • Related Themes to Explore ~ missions, current events, life skills, math, government, science
  • Bibliography or Related Resources ~ books, movies, documentaries, magazine articles, websites
  • Culminating Event ~ project displays, cultural food, music, and activities, oral presentations

Designed for both individual or group learning this study guide is suitable for many grade/age levels and a wide variety of learning styles because of the many different types of projects and activities offered.


We used these products in our family for group learning. I printed the chapters individually and read aloud to the girls during our Morning Time Recitations. We would then go over the discussion questions for what we had just read. While the story is recommended for ages 10 and up I still felt like my 7 year old learned something along with her sisters. I really love how we got a true feel as to how Jim and his missionary companions felt while on this mission. At times it felt like we were right there in the jungle experiencing what missionary life is like. Even though Jim’s story does not end in a happy ending, it was eye-opening for my girls to really see that people, normal everyday people like themselves, gave the ultimate sacrifice for the Lord and trusted His plan. This book and study guide has opened up the opportunity for discussions of our older girls going on a missions with our church in the near future.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book from YWAM Publishing! Be sure to get your hands on this book and some of the others in the series they produce. You will be glad you did! My only dislike about this review is minor and doesn’t have anything to do with the quality of the product. While I like e-Books I really am a paperback kind of girl. I am grateful for the opportunity to share Jim’s story with my girls, I just would have preferred a paper copy. Not a big deal though, because I have already made plans to purchase a paper copy for our bookshelves Smile. Do be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of this book and the other book / study guide combination, George Washington: True Patriot and George Washington: Unit Study Curriculum Guide, being offered for review by clicking the banner below.


Company ~ YWAM Publishing

Product ~ Jim Elliot: One Great Purpose and Jim Elliot: Unit Study Curriculum Guide

Price ~ $6.99 paperback, Kindle or Nook; $7.99 study guide

Ages ~ 10 and up for independent reader, or family read aloud

YWAM Logo photo YWAMLogo_zpse2d5593a.jpg  photo DisclaimerGraphic1_zpsf612f371.gif
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