Thursday, October 31, 2013

Candy Day reinstated

Earlier this week the Lt. said that the girls could go out Trick or Treating this year.  To say that Montana and McKenzie were excited would be a slight understatement. This would be McKenzie’s first time ever going out.

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So, because of the short timing of the announcement we got creative with costumes this year. Marie, who according to our town’s law is not allowed to Trick or Treat dolled up herself as a Magic Zebra with a wand to walk around the neighborhood with us. Madison had lots of wild and crazy ideas but finally decided on being a nerd. While Mikayla was a 50’s diner hop girl.

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Montana and McKenzie’s costume choices where the easiest of all since they were dolled up as their favorite princesses when we went to Disney World in September. Montana as Jasmine and McKenzie as Cinderella.

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The girls had a blast and McKenzie walked majority of the neighborhood. She was so excited after visiting each house. Towards the end she did say that her feet didn’t like Halloween and that they were tired in her glass slippers. So, she hoped in her royal chariot for a ride home. We now have enough candy to last until Easter!

While I am not fully convinced about the benefits of celebrating Halloween, I will go along with my husbands wishes.

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