This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, September 16, 2013

People Keys: Student Strengths Report ~ a TOS review

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Finding out what your child's strengths and weaknesses are can be quite a challenge as a homeschooler. Going through a lot of trail and error is one way to go about it, however, it can be a costly approach. I recently had the opportunity to review the Student Strengths Report from a company called PeopleKeys.

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The online Student Strengths Report  helps to identify the personality type of the student using the DISC framework. By mapping out perceptual styles, cognitive styles, and preferred communication methods it shows how to use the student’s strengths to your advantage to improve learning. Using the results of this report will help you help your student reach their full potential.

Setting up an account is quick and painless. The test is available in many languages so that everyone can find there strengths. I was able to have the account available for my tester, Madison (12) quickly and easily. Madison was able to take the test within 30 minutes and the 34 page results were instantly provided at the end in a convenient PDF file.

According to the test Madison’s personality is identified as an “Advisor”.

Advisors impress most people with their warmth, sympathy and understanding… Many people will come to them because Advisors are seen as good listeners.

While, I am not shocked at the results of the study I did find this information quite helpful overall! The results have helped me fine tune how I teach specifically to Madison and her learning style so that she gets the maximum benefit.

At $20.00 a test I will say that for my budget it is kind of steep. However, if you paced yourself and tested one child a month it is manageable, especially for the valuable information you receive. Because I think I have the other girls pretty much figured out for now, I am going to wait to test Mikayla until next summer, right before she goes into middle school. That way I will have a clear guideline of what I need to do to give her a solid start. Marie is already headed down the path in the right direction and Montana and McKenzie are fine too.

Overall, I have really enjoyed this product and I think you should check out all of what PeopleKeys has to offer. Many of my Crewmates have reviewed several of the products available. To read those reviews click on the banner below.


Company ~ PeopleKeys 

Product ~ Student Strengths Report

Price ~ $20.00

Ages ~ school age and up

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