Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Doorpost: Beauty in the Heart ~ a TOS review

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We have truly been blessed with how many Bible programs and or studies this year. This time I want to share with you an inductive Bible study from Doorposts called Beauty in the Heart.

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Beauty in the Heart is a study of Godly beauty for young women written by Pam Forster to help you answer the following questions:

What does the Bible say about beauty? What attitudes does God value in a young woman’s heart? What actions are characteristic in the life of a truly beautiful woman? What attitudes and actions detract from, or even render disgusting, a woman’s physical beauty? ~website

While going through this study guide you and your daughter will discover the answers to these questions and more in God’s Word. With ten in-depth studies you and your daughter will focus on Godly women such as Ruth and Esther as well as what the Bible truly says about discretion and modesty.

  1. Beauty in Submission (a study of 1 Peter)
  2. Beauty in the Heart (a study of 1 Peter 3:3-4)
  3. Beauty in Trusting God (study of Sarah)
  4. Beauty in Humility (study of Esther)
  5. Beauty in Modesty (study of 1 Timothy 2:9-10)
  6. Beauty in Serving (topical study)
  7. Beauty without Discretion (study of Proverbs 11:22)
  8. Beauty in Crisis (study of 1 Samuel 25)
  9. Beauty in the Gates (study of Ruth)
  10. Beauty in Review

Designed for young girls aged 10 and up and also useful for ladies Bible groups. Young men who want to learn about godly beauty can also use this book as there are alternate question included for young men.

Beauty in the Heart includes 86 days of study plans. It also includes 49 bonus suggested studies, to take you through a whole year. Each study uses a different study technique and contains daily assignments that take between 5-20 minutes to complete each day. Learn the fundamentals of several different Bible study methods while using this book by learning how to:

  • Use a concordance
  • Study a specific topic in the Bible
  • Perform a character study
  • Use marginal study notes
  • Study a verse, passage, or entire chapter or book of the Bible
  • Find the original word used in a passage and how it is used in other passages
  • Use free Bible study tools on computers and mobile devices

For just $14.00 you can have a physical copy of this book to go through with your daughter. I will say that this is an intensive Bible study that I quickly realized that it was too much for Mikayla, so I focused this study with Marie (16) & Madison (12). Marie took off with the program and was able to get through the lessons while Madison struggled a bit with the amount of writing required. For this review we have skipped around the chapters touching on the subjects I felt led to study deeply with the girls. We have had many interesting discussions especially in Chapter, Beauty in Modesty.

We wholeheartedly recommend it as a quality Bible study program and we will be continuing using this study throughout our school year as I think it is important for the girls to get the right information straight from the source. Check it out for yourself to see if it will work for your family.

Do you have boys in your family? Doorposts also has an inductive study just for them called Because You Are Strong. Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of Beauty in the Heart and the book for boys by clicking on the link below.


Company ~ Doorposts

Product ~ Beauty in the Heart

Price ~ $14.00

Ages ~ 10 and up

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