This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Brainfood Learning: Fascinating World of Mammals ~ a TOS review

  bflion How does a beaver build a dam? Which animal wears a coat of velvet? Montana is my animal lover so I was pleased when the Fascinating World of Mammals DVD from BrainFood Learning was offered to us a few weeks ago to help answer these questions.

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The Fascinating World of Mammals DVD is the brainchild of Bryce and Jennifer Mooney who sought to create quality educational videos for their children. They wanted videos that not only held the child's attention but yet challenge them to think about the concepts presented. To accomplish this they produce videos that encircle a broader knowledge base by blending vocabulary and concepts above age range and on age range to appeal to a larger audience.


In the Fascinating World of Mammals  is a DVD video which retails for $14.99 and is approximately 52 minutes long. Geared towards children aged 3-11 your child will learn many new and interesting facts about ten different animals including:

- Kangaroo

- beavers

- elephants

- moose

- dolphins

- lions

- giraffes

- bears

- bats

- chimpanzees

With a short introduction on each animal to share a new concept such as, echolocation, hibernation, vertebrates, or ruminants, you child will be captivated by quality of the video presentation. The end of the video provides a review section for your child to complete just to test the knowledge. bfdolphin

We first watched this video on the way to Mikayla’s physical therapy appointment one day after practice. I knew we would have time to burn as we came straight from practice so I popped the DVD in and it was complete silence the whole way to the Dr's. not a peep was made from Mikayla, Montana, or McKenzie as they were enthralled by the movie.

  Cadie's 6th birthday, MISC 174

Like I said, Montana is an animal nut! Often times she will ask me a question like " why can't lions climb trees if they are a cat"? Huh! So we head off to research this and find out it is because lions are too heavy to climb trees unlike some of the other species of the cat family. She really enjoyed watching this video and has watched it about 8 times over the course of the review period picking up on more piece of information each time. While her favorite animals are Cheetahs, she did like learning about all the other animals on the video too. We give this DVD video two thumbs up and recommend you checking it out soon too. I plan on purchases the other two DVD's offered, Fascinating World of Birds DVD and Fascinating World of Insects DVD down the road for us to watch and learn from.

Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of this DVD and the other two being offered for review by clicking the banner below.


Company ~ BrainFood Learning

Product ~ Fascinating World of Mammals DVD

Price ~ $14.99

Ages ~ 3-11 years old

Format ~ DVD

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