Friday, August 30, 2013

Homeschool Spanish Academy: High School Program ~ a TOS review

I have an awesome Spanish program to tell you about today called Homeschool Spanish Academy (HSA). Madison excelled last year using this program so I was so excited to be able to give the High School Program a try with Marie. Originally I planned for Marie to use another program that she has used in the past to fulfill her Spanish requirement, but she loves HSA so much we are sticking with it.

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Homeschool Spanish Academy  was founded in 2010 by Ron Fortin. As an online Spanish Academy  it offers  interactive lessons between native Central America instructors and students from all parts of the world. HSA has programs for elementary, middle, and high school students as well as adults. For this review we had the opportunity to review the high school program that offers 7 weeks of live video Skype sessions.

To set up your first class you first need to make sure your computer is good to go. For that Ron or his assistance will guide you through the process of checking the compatibility requirements for the program and your computer. Here is what you need:

  • Internet ~ requires a Ping  less than 100ms, Download Speeds greater than 1.0MBps, and Upload Speeds greater than 0.5 MBps. *this may sound foreign but these are the speeds that work best for the programs video capabilities.
  • Webcam ~ optional, but highly recommended.
  • Headset ~ of good quality, necessary to communicate with teacher. (especially if you have younger sisters who thinks everybody is their Grandma Face Timing on the computer :-))
  • A Skype Account

    This time around, our computer passed inspection first time up so Marie was up and running in no time at all.

    Once your computer speed is checked and cleared for operation you log in and schedule your class(es) within the HSA website. It is as easy as picking your instructor and then selecting a time frame. All classes are scheduled in the Eastern time zone so just be careful you do not schedule something too early for you. Now you are all set for class. A friendly reminder is sent to you the day before your class so that you can make sure you are ready.

    Do not worry if you accidentally forget about your scheduled class, the friendly technicians will call you if the Professor can not reach you by Skype to see if you are having computer troubles. While I would not make a habit of missing your classes it is nice to know that they care enough to give you the benefit of the doubt and call you up to see if there is trouble on your end.

    I am a creature of habit so we chose             Professora Nora for our teacher and she was just as wonderful with Marie as she was last year with Madision!!! Marie was not too sure of what to think of the program at first, but quickly grew to love it. In the past she has done very well in Spanish so I knew this would suit her as well. I speak Spanish, well the basics and enough to survive if needed, as I took Spanish 3 years in high school and 2 years in College. What I was missing from Marie’s Spanish learning was the opportunity for conversational Spanish with a real person. I do not know anyone in our area who is native to the language so this fits the bill for us perfectly.

    The first day was just the basics as Professora Nora was trying to see what exactly Marie knows. She was quite surprised to find she knows a whole lot and quickly moved her on to some harder review material. Now, don’t get me wrong, Marie has used another popular foreign language program in the past, but in my opinion HSA has them beat hands down! The one on one work is amazing and I can see Marie’s confidence growing with each weekly lesson.

    Professora Nora would email us Marie’s homework assignment in the afternoon after her class. It contains mostly review work of what was taught earlier that day in the lesson for reinforcement. Once Marie completed the assignment, I would scan it into a PDF file and attach it to assignment document folder within the student portal. Since we scheduled all of Marie’s classes on Friday’s I made it so that her homework assignment was due by the 3PM on Wednesday evenings, giving myself plenty of time to get it scanned and turned into the portal for grading.

    The Spanish classes at the high school level are offered in Levels 1 – 3 with sub levels of A & B. You can be sure your child is getting the best instruction because the courses are aligned with the Languages Other Than English (LOTE) and The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) guidelines. For example, Level 1A, is equivalent to taking one semester of Spanish in a public learning institution based on the objectives set forth by the ACTFL. Students who complete Level 1A will receive 0.5 credits towards their Spanish 1 fulfillment needs. For a full credit of Spanish 1 to be earned the student must also complete Spanish 1B.

    Now I am sure you are thinking that a program like this sounds too good to be true and it is probably not affordable. Nope! Pricing is pretty reasonable for the one on one instruction you get. Check out the table below for pricing.


    I love, love, LOVE everything about this Spanish program! So much so that I decided early on that we will drop the program Marie was using and order another semester of classes (7) when she has finished with our Crew classes to complete her final foreign language requirements for graduation. The cost of this program is more than the other program, but I am sold on the quality of material that Marie is learning and receiving. If you are looking for a conversational Spanish program in which you will actually be able to learn to speak the language with a Native speaker, then this program is for you. I will sing praises of HSA to anyone who asks!

    Be sure to check out what my Crewmates had to say about Homeschool Spanish Academy by clicking on the banner below.



    Company ~ Homeschool Spanish Academy

    Product ~ High School Program

    Price ~ $99.99 half semester, see above for more pricing options

    Ages ~ 15 – 19 years old

    Platform  ~ Windows or MAC, uses Skype

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  • Wednesday, August 28, 2013

    Happy 4th Birthday McKenzie

    McKenzie is 4

    McKenzie had a great day and we had a great time celebrating her. The highlight of the day was opening her Peppa Pig and Dora the Explorer backpack. I will share more of her day later this week.

    Tuesday, August 27, 2013

    Doorpost: Beauty in the Heart ~ a TOS review

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    We have truly been blessed with how many Bible programs and or studies this year. This time I want to share with you an inductive Bible study from Doorposts called Beauty in the Heart.

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    Beauty in the Heart is a study of Godly beauty for young women written by Pam Forster to help you answer the following questions:

    What does the Bible say about beauty? What attitudes does God value in a young woman’s heart? What actions are characteristic in the life of a truly beautiful woman? What attitudes and actions detract from, or even render disgusting, a woman’s physical beauty? ~website

    While going through this study guide you and your daughter will discover the answers to these questions and more in God’s Word. With ten in-depth studies you and your daughter will focus on Godly women such as Ruth and Esther as well as what the Bible truly says about discretion and modesty.

    1. Beauty in Submission (a study of 1 Peter)
    2. Beauty in the Heart (a study of 1 Peter 3:3-4)
    3. Beauty in Trusting God (study of Sarah)
    4. Beauty in Humility (study of Esther)
    5. Beauty in Modesty (study of 1 Timothy 2:9-10)
    6. Beauty in Serving (topical study)
    7. Beauty without Discretion (study of Proverbs 11:22)
    8. Beauty in Crisis (study of 1 Samuel 25)
    9. Beauty in the Gates (study of Ruth)
    10. Beauty in Review

    Designed for young girls aged 10 and up and also useful for ladies Bible groups. Young men who want to learn about godly beauty can also use this book as there are alternate question included for young men.

    Beauty in the Heart includes 86 days of study plans. It also includes 49 bonus suggested studies, to take you through a whole year. Each study uses a different study technique and contains daily assignments that take between 5-20 minutes to complete each day. Learn the fundamentals of several different Bible study methods while using this book by learning how to:

    • Use a concordance
    • Study a specific topic in the Bible
    • Perform a character study
    • Use marginal study notes
    • Study a verse, passage, or entire chapter or book of the Bible
    • Find the original word used in a passage and how it is used in other passages
    • Use free Bible study tools on computers and mobile devices

    For just $14.00 you can have a physical copy of this book to go through with your daughter. I will say that this is an intensive Bible study that I quickly realized that it was too much for Mikayla, so I focused this study with Marie (16) & Madison (12). Marie took off with the program and was able to get through the lessons while Madison struggled a bit with the amount of writing required. For this review we have skipped around the chapters touching on the subjects I felt led to study deeply with the girls. We have had many interesting discussions especially in Chapter, Beauty in Modesty.

    We wholeheartedly recommend it as a quality Bible study program and we will be continuing using this study throughout our school year as I think it is important for the girls to get the right information straight from the source. Check it out for yourself to see if it will work for your family.

    Do you have boys in your family? Doorposts also has an inductive study just for them called Because You Are Strong. Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of Beauty in the Heart and the book for boys by clicking on the link below.


    Company ~ Doorposts

    Product ~ Beauty in the Heart

    Price ~ $14.00

    Ages ~ 10 and up

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    Thursday, August 22, 2013

    In the Hands of a Child: It’s All Matter ~ a TOS review

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    Every once in a while it always fun to break off and do some fun hands on type of learning. Since my girls both love hands-on projects and science, it was a perfect fit for us to be selected to review In the Hands of a Child lapbook It's All Matter.

    In the Hands of a Child is the premier lapbooking company started back in 2002 by two homeschooling mothers, Kimm Bellotto and Niki McNeil. Today with the help of their 3rd partner, Katie, they each bring unique qualities and talents to the business under one goal -- to provide quality lapbooking materials for all educators. Whether you are a home educator or a classroom teacher, they are striving to put quality materials in the hands of children to get them laughing and learning together. From preschool to High School there desire is to assist all educators of children in all ages and skill levels with the use of just one type of product, a lapbook.


    We were lucky enough to receive the It’s All Matter ($10.) Lapbook for this review. Geared towards the middle school crowd, 5th-8th graders this high-interest curriculum will help you know everything you could possibly want to know about matter. With easy to follow directions you will receive:

    • 5 day planning guide
    • reading list pertaining to the subject
    • vocabulary words
    • 16 hands-on activities
    • 12 page research guide
    • answer keys
    • complete instructions for assembly of the lapbook

    I was able to use this product with Madison over the last few weeks. She’s into science and this lapbook just fueled her more to keep gaining knowledge. The lapbook was laid out nicely and it was very easy to give her the instructions and turn her loose. Since finishing this lapbook she has discovered the whole section of Astronomy lapbooks on the site. She is really into Astronomy right now we plan on purchasing more of the lapbooks for her to complete over the course of this school year. With the price as low as it is, how could I not!

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    We definitely recommend you checking out the over 450 lapbook products available from In the Hands of a Child. There is definitely something for everyone on this site to dive into. Be sure to check out what my fellow Crewmates thought of the many different lapbooks reviewed by clicking the banner below.

    Company ~ In the Hands of a Child

    Product ~ It's All Matter

    Price ~ $10.00, currently on sale for $5.00

    Ages ~ 5th-8th graders

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    Tuesday, August 20, 2013

    The Family Hope Center: Understanding Child Brain Development ~ a TOS review

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    I was recently given the opportunity to review a DVD, Understanding Child Brain Development from the Family Hope Center located in Pennsylvania.

    Every parent wants what is best for their child in every aspect of life. With over 90 years of expertise in the area of adolescent brain development Family Hope Center has been there for families who have suffered from traumatic brain injuries, mild autism, ADHD or any other symptoms/conditions that affect the brain. Family Hope Center is there to provide hope and support to all.

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    The authors of this DVD, Matthew and Carol Newell, specialize in the childhood brain and have provided this DVD to help parents. As the clinical director of the program, Matthew Newell the explains the neurology of the brain and its extraordinary means to heal itself.

    The Newell's believe that the parent knows more about his or her own child than the experts and believe that by treating the brain and not the symptoms of the so called trauma / disorders that we can heal and overcome many childhood issues such as ADHD, Autism, certain traumas, reading disabilities and more. Along with three medical doctors the Newell's take a holistic approach to treatment including nutrition, clean water (hydration) and through prayer we can work smarter and not harder at overcoming.

    This DVD is approximately 2 hours long and because of the amount of information presented I chose to break it down into segments to watch. The information presented is fascinating and helps me to understand more about my children's brains and their growth and development. It is amazing the numerous things that can be traced back to crawling in infancy. I especially liked how they stressed how to help your child overcome a certain diagnosis and not just the diagnosis and symptoms.

    To order the DVD, please call 610-397-1737 or you can order Understanding Child Brain Development from IEW for just $19.00. Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of this DVD by clicking the banner below.


    Company ~ Family Hope Center

    Product ~ Understanding Child Brain Development

    Price ~ 19.00

    Ages ~ parents 

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    Thursday, August 15, 2013

    Reading Kingdom ~ a TOS review

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    For the last few weeks Montana, McKenzie and I  have been plugging away at Reading Kingdom, a fairly new online reading program. Created by Dr. Marion Blank, world renowned reading expert and Director of the Light on Learning Program at Columbia University.

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    The Reading Kingdom program is designed to teach children ages 4-10 how to read and write to a third grade level. With interactive and easy-to-use components the program offers a customized online reading instruction for your child.  The program starts by having your child take the Reading Skills Survey which  customizes the program and places your child in just the right spot for their reading level. Instead of your child having to  learn numerous complicated rules Reading Kingdom utilizes the six skills method for reading, which include: sequencing, motor skills, phonemic awareness, meaning, grammar, and reading comprehension. This process targets your child's weaknesses while also keeping them confident in their strengths.


    Reading Kingdom is easy to start, no need to download anything just log on to the website. I started out McKenzie with the assessment. While it was a long process because she is not that familiar with the keyboard arrangement she was overly excited to continue through each step. The assessment suggested that McKenzie start at the Sequence / Letter Land. She had no complaints and often wants to be learning. Montana, who has been through the program before picked up where she left off. She has had only a few trouble areas but I have been able to remedy those quickly.

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    McKenzie is my beginner reader and I will say that Letter Land is quite repetitive, however, McKenzie needs and loves the repetitiveness of the program.  She loves playing her “owl game”. While Montana is not a beginning reader she still has a few weak areas that I am trying to shore up and Reading Kingdom helps me do just that!

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    Overall, I love the concept of Reading Kingdom! Last year for our family it was a bit of a struggle for Montana to handle such repetitiveness and slowness of the initial assessment which seemed more of a typing program than a reading program. But now that McKenzie is using it and has a totally different learning style I totally understand the method they are trying to achieve. Do look into giving it a try for your family, what works for one child may not always work for another. Will Montana & McKenzie  continue using Reading Kingdom? Yes, like I said before I enjoy the concept of the program and have seen great improvement in Montana’s daily reading and in McKenzie’s overall letter recognition! The exposure to seeing new words is a great plus too!

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    If you want to try Reading Kingdom out for your family, you can sign up for 30 Day Free Trial. After the trial period has ended and you would like to continue, a subscription costs $19.99/month (with no monthly minimum), or $199.99 per year (20% off)(A year membership reflects 20% off the price). Additional children on your account get 50% off ($9.99/month or $99.99/year) and you can cancel your subscriptions at any time. In addition, because Reading Kingdom is so passionate about everyone getting to enjoy the joy of reading there is a scholarship program available for those who qualify. Be sure to click the banner below and see what my Crewmates thought of the program.


    Company/Product ~ Reading Kingdom

    Price ~ $19.99/month (with no monthly minimum), or $199.99 per year (20% off)(A year membership reflects 20% off the price). Additional children on your account get 50% off ($9.99/month or $99.99/year)

    Ages ~ 4-10

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    Wednesday, August 14, 2013

    Tuesday, August 13, 2013

    Notgrass: Draw to Learn ~ a TOS review

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    Today I am so glad to be able share with you another great Bible resource from Notgrass Company called Draw to Learn.

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    Draw to Learn is an awesome Bible & Art curriculum developed by Ray & Charlene Notgrass back in 1999. The Notgrass family are probably most well known for their award winning History curriculum, but I am here to tell you they have so much more to offer!

    Draw to Learn is 30 cohesive units of five study lessons through either the Draw to Learn Psalms, Draw to Learn Proverbs, Draw to Learn Acts, Draw to Learn the Letters of Paul, or Draw to Learn the Life of Jesus. For just $14.95 each of these consumable books provides a full-year study. With just the 150 lessons in this Bible / Art workbook provides greater flexibility in learning throughout the year.

    Designed for students of all ages this is the perfect solution if you are looking for a hands-on Bible program. With 3 simple steps to the program:

    Read ~ Think ~ Draw

    1. Read the Bible passage and think about what it means to you.

    2. Follow the instructions listed at the bottom of the page and think about what you read and how it applies to what you will draw.

    3. Draw your picture filling the full frame of the page.

    One of the best features of this program is that you do not need to run out and buy any fancy art supplies. All you need is:

    • the curriculum
    • a pencil
    • quality colored pencils or crayons. *They recommend Prismacolor colored pencils and so do I, they are worth the price. I only bring ours out for use with this curriculum and special arts & crafts.
    • reference materials when needed

    Because these books can be saved for years to come as keepsakes Notgrass recommends a few suggestions when drawing the pictures.

    • work diligently ~ spend time on your drawing and take your time. It is estimated that you should aim to spend at least 45 minutes on each picture.
    • sketch first ~ if you are doing a complicated drawing be sure to sketch it out or have a game plan so that you do not have to make so many eraser marks. Be sure to go back over your drawing and darken your lines before adding color.
    • fill the frame ~ use the whole frame canvas that is provided and maximize the space.
    • a picture or model ~ use a model or picture from an encyclopedia, magazine, or another reference. Or use live models when available.
    • draw people ~ no matter how good you draw take ownership in your people. Even if they are just stick figures like mine Smile
    • use color ~ the majority of your drawings should be in color. Use a quality crayon or colored pencil with thick lead for blending.
    • protect the drawing surface ~ protect the following pages in you sketchbook from impression lines. It is best to put a heavy piece of cardstock between the pages.

    It’s just that simple! Your children are sure to be asking to complete more than one page a day.

    For this review we were graciously given a PDF Ebook file for each of the five Draw to Learn books available and a physical copy of the Draw to Learn Proverbs workbook. We have been using this curriculum over the last six weeks during our Morning Time Recitations. While during the summer it has been sporadic now that school has started back up we are in full force. We are able to do one lesson each day, spending a good 30-45 minutes letting the girls complete their lesson while I read aloud.



    I really appreciate the fact that Notgrass sent me the PDF file along with the physical book. Most of the time I prefer PDF’s because I have children at varying ages and it is easy to print out worksheets without having to worry about the binding of the book. At the end of the school year I plan on having each of the girls books bound for a keepsake. PDF files are available for purchase and delivered right to your email box for just $9.95 each.

    I just love this quote from the inside cover of the catalog.

    You are doing something important. You are sharing knowledge and wisdom and life with your children. This journey is amazing and exciting and sometimes scary and overwhelming. We are proud of you. To us you are heroes and heroines. We believe in you, and we believe that you can do this. Why are we so confident? Because we believe in God who daily provides everything we need to do what He asks us to do. You are on a wonderful adventure. Don’t forget to enjoy the ride!                   ~ Ray and Charlene Notgrass

    I love that! In fact I have typed it up and put it on my bathroom mirror for that little reminder when things get sticky throughout the year. I wholeheartedly recommend you checking out this curriculum and seeing if it works for your family like it has for ours. Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of this curriculum and the other product being offered, America the Beautiful Curriculum Package by clicking the banner below.


    Company ~ Notgrass Company

    Product ~ Draw to Learn Proverbs

    Price ~ $14.95 physical book or $9.95 Ebook

    Ages ~ all ages

    Format ~ physical workbook or PDF digital download

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    Sunday, August 11, 2013

    Bible Study Guide For All Ages: Beginner & Advanced levels ~ a TOS review


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    You know the saying, “Good things come to those who wait?” Well that’s what I ended up with; a really good Bible study program for my family just by waiting an extra few weeks. I have waited patiently this whole Crew year for  Bible Study Guide For All Ages to be offered. I was ecstatic when I found out our family was picked to review the Beginner and Advanced Student pages.


    The Bible Study Guide is the brain child of Mary Baker, a mother of four, who in the late 70’s was searching for a Bible curriculum that she felt was adequate enough to teach her children to understand the Bible. Mary and her teams main goal is to present the infallible truth of the Bible alone. They have not written there program to any particular denomination nor do they teach a specific church doctrine. Rather, they believe:

    “what Paul said in his letter to Timothy: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)” ~ website

    Wow! This is exactly the program I want to use to teach my children about the Bible. The 4 Unit set of The Bible Study Guide includes 416 lesson plans that will take you completely through the entire Bible with four levels of study to choose from: Beginner (Ages 3- Kindergarten), Primary (1st – 2nd grade), Intermediate (3rd – 4th grade) and Advanced (5th – 6th grade). With this unique design template all of your children, even at varying ages will be able to study the entire Bible in just four years. All the while studying a little bit of both the Old and New Testament each year. We were blessed to receive:

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    • Unit 1 Beginner Student Pages {lessons 1-26} (2)~ geared towards both students as young as 3 years old to 1st graders a whole interactive learning experience. This set is imageideal for students that that are not reading yet or those that struggle a bit. Retailing for an affordably price at $5.95 each and printed on legal size paper. I should note that it is NOT ok to copy the pages within your own family unit. BSG would like you to purchase a set of student pages for each student, in each individual level you have.

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    • Unit 1 Advanced Student Pages {lessons 1-26}(2) $5.95 ~ designed to challenge 5th & 6th imagegraders to think critically while applying Biblical applications learned to their own real lives with interactive lessons.

    Each of the student pages is divided up into real life applicable sections. For the beginner pages there is a large picture to color while the Advanced pages focus on a time line and comic book like story to focus Discover the Bible.

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    • Beginner Time Line ~ is an excellent resource bsg4for the beginner level group. With 34 sturdy 8 1/2” x 11” full color pictures provide single question about each picture for $24.95. These cards are perfect for the younger group as they teach one single fact about a major person or event in the Bible. A key foundation as your child progresses through each additional level.

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    • Children's Songs CD set ~ a 2 CD set that contains 91 a cappella songs and memory work to correspond to your lessons. Retailing for $19.95 the song selections include drills for the writers of the New Testament, attitude, Heaven and praise. My girls love this CD and we have listened to it over and over again daily. Montana’s favorite is “I’m inn the Lord’s Army”, while McKenzie loves to dance to “Father Abraham”. A great handy resource to have!

     photo bible-book-summary-cards_zps28dfa8ff.jpg Bible Book Summary Cards ~ 66 sturdy flashcards that contain one or more pictures on the front of the bsg3card depicting the main concept or message from a book of the Bible. On the back of each card there is a brief description that further explains the picture(s). Also included are comprehension questions for the teacher to ask while reviewing each card. Available in two sizes for $24.95 each,  8 1/2” x 11” full-color cards or 11” x 14”posters that allow you the creativity to color in yourself.

    The Bible Study Guide follows a unique plan of study throughout the four Units. Beginning in Unit 1, you start to outline the biblical history with an in-depth study of Joseph, Daniel and Jesus. Utilizing the time line within the student pages helps to fill in whatever gaps there may be as you study the whole story of the Bible. This innovative plan lets you study some of the Old Testament and a little of the New Testament each year, filling in the parts of Jesus's life yearly while holding student interest. Click HERE to see the full Unit study break down.


    Can I just tell you right now that I absolutely l-o-v-e this program!!! It just makes sense to me and most importantly to the girls! We were able to use this program for 1-2 lessons a week during the summer as a part of our Morning Time Recitations. Now that we have started back to school I look forward to bumping that up to a solid 3 lessons a week spending 30-45 minutes on each lesson as necessary. We school 4 days a week so I really want to use the fourth day as a review of the 3 previous lessons.

    Pretty early on I was able to see that the Advanced Student pages were a little less challenging for Madison. While they are a perfect stretch for Mikayla I needed to make changes for Madison. After doing some research I found a used Teacher’s Guide for Unit 1 for sale for $18.00ppd. Regularly the Unit Teacher’s Guide sells for $29.95. I jumped on this deal and waited for the binder to arrive. I should mention that it is unnecessary for you to use the Unit Teacher’s Guide if you are using the Student pages. In my families situation I needed something that would keep Madison on the same schedule as us and yet still provide that same Biblical foundation.


    The Unit Teacher’s Guide is an oral study that contains the same 104 lessons with story visuals, memory work, drills and teaching suggestions found in the Student pages. I was able to incorporate Madison into the study by having her do more of a notebooking style of learning with the review questions given in the Unit Guide. She enjoys notebooking so this system has been working for us while keeping us all on the same lesson each day.

    Can I tell you again that I love this program?! I have found our families perfect Bible study for our Morning Time Recitations. It has exceeded my expectations of a Bible program and then some and I do not see us leaving anytime soon. If you ask my opinion on a Bible study program, I wholeheartedly recommend you check out Bible Study Guide For All Ages if you are still searching for a Bible curriculum for the upcoming school year. You will be so glad you did. At such an affordable price for each Student pages lesson plans I honestly recommend you take a look and see what you think.

    Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of the different levels of Bible Study Guide For All Ages available for review by clicking the link below.


    Company ~ Bible Study Guide For All Ages

    Product ~ Unit 1 Beginner Student Pages, Unit 1 Advanced Student Pages, Beginner Time Line, Children's Songs CD set, Bible Book Summary Cards

    Price ~ Student pages: $5.95 each, Beginner Teacher Visuals: $9.95, Beginner Time Line: $24.95, Bible Book Summary Cards: $24.95

    Ages ~ PreK3 – all ages

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