This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Moving Beyond the Page: A Wrinkle in Time / The Solar System ~ a TOS review


I love finding new curriculum that “works” for my girls. Especially from company’s who I never knew existed and yet they are a perfect match for my girls learning style. We were blessed to be able to be apart of the list of reviewers for Moving Beyond the Page and we received A Wrinkle in Time {9- 11 year olds} with online access and The Solar System {11-13 year olds} a physical copy.

MBTP review 007

MBTP is a literature rich curriculum that encourages critical and creative thinking in Science, Literature and Social Studies.  With easy laid out lesson plans it is possible to use this a complete stand alone curriculum or as a supplement. Multiple learning styles are covered with engaging and challenging activities and projects to keep your child learning while doing. All of MBTP’s curriculum meets or exceeds National or State Standards all the while encouraging your child to think outside of the box.

With the A Wrinkle in Time Literature study you will:

“Travel on a journey through space with Meg and Calvin as they try to rescue their father. Meet interesting characters, experience unique places, and battle against an evil force that is threatening Earth. Along the way, you will gain experience with possessive plurals and irregular verbs. You will also be practicing the four creative thinking skills.” ~ website

We received the online edition of this component so all of the materials for the teacher and student are conveniently available online. It is really simple to log in for access to all of the items in this curriculum including PDF files for worksheets, reading questions  and activity pages.


With 10 lessons and a 3-day final project this literature until includes graphic organizers that focus on the elements of the story, characters and vocabulary too. I also found it helpful to have the spelling lists with associated activities for reinforcement. We did also receive a physical paperback copy of the book to add to our home library.


The Wrinkle in Time unit study is perfect for independent study but also goes great with a unit on Space. For that reason I chose The Solar System so that I could use have Madison join in our study. We received a physical copy of this complete unit. While some of the topics went way in-depth over Mikayla’s head, this unit study is right up my science loving daughter, Madison’s alley. She was able to pick up some new found information on Space and she loved it, REALLY!!! So much so that she told me one night before going to bed that she wanted to be an Astronomer or an Astrophysicist!  {*yes, I was up at 3AM rethinking/researching middle school science curriculum}

“Learn surprising facts about the solar system, like the fact that there are 13 planets--4 terrestrial ones, 4 gas giants, and 5 dwarf planets. You will also find out how mankind has used technology to explore our solar system, and to understand Earth's place within the solar system.” ~website


Does this sound too good to be true? Like all of this is going to cost you an arm AND a leg? Well, don’t dismay! Moving Beyond the Page is affordably priced. A Wrinkle in Time unit is priced at $19.92 for the online unit and includes the physical book. The Solar System unit costs $33.94 and includes a paper back notebook, hardback Space book, Build your own Solar System and general space kit.


Let’s be perfectly honest here, I have been drooling over  MBTP’s website for weeks now since our introduction. You know when you find a curriculum or product that just blows your mind, well this curriculum has kept me coming back for more.  I definitely will be ordering more unit studies in the coming months as we dig a little deeper into topics this school year. I also have my eye on the new 4-5 year old curriculum for McKenzie. I think it would be the perfect supplement for her last year of preschool and Kindergarten year, as I would take it slow and use it over 2 years. It is sitting in my shopping cart just waiting for me to push the button. :)

But don’t just take my word for it. Click on the link below and read what my fellow Crewmates thought of all of the unit studies that were available for review. I would list them, but there are way too many :)


Company ~ Moving Beyond the Page

Product ~ A Wrinkle in Time (literature) / The Solar System (science)

Price ~ 19.92 online literature with book, $33.94 physical copy science

Ages ~  literature, 9-11 year olds; science 11-13 year olds

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