After starting school back up after Christmas break Montana expressed an interest in learning cursive. I kind of held her off because I really wanted her to have a firm grasp of manuscript writing. But she persisted to ask almost daily. So imagine my surprise when Classical Conversations (CC) newest cursive handwriting program PreScripts Cursive Letters and Coloring was offered for review, yay!

We received the PreScripts Cursive Letters and Coloring workbook which is for ages 3-7 years old and retails for $11.99 each. This workbook includes 120 pages that will have your students finger tracing large letters and tracing and coping letters with a pencil or crayon. Art lessons are incorporated within the workbook and involve tracing lines and coloring in shapes and images.
“Introduce children to the building blocks of cursive writing and drawing.” ~ website
Through finger tracing, tracing with a pencil, and then finally copying letters and words your child will start to build confidence and fine motor skills. Sprinkled throughout the workbook are medieval and modern world history coloring pages to further enhance learning .
Montana enjoyed using this program as her introduction to cursive. She would work on one page 3-4 days a week. To her it did not seem like "school work" so she was happy to sit down and complete the page. We give this cursive writing program 2 thumbs up for its easy of use and because it was fun for Montana. Anytime I can have her do her schoolwork and not complain is a plus in my book!
I think this book is the perfect starting point for any child who is learning to write in cursive. I have noticed a decrease in Mikayla's cursive writing skills so guess what she will be brushing up on for the rest of the summer with the help of PreScripts Cursive Sentences and Art Lessons, another CC PreScripts book. Be sure to checkout what my crew mates thought of this book and the other books being offered by clicking the banner below.
Company ~ Classical Conversations
Product ~ PreScripts Cursive Letters and Coloring
Price ~ $11.99 spiral bound notebook
Ages ~ 3-7 years old