This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Christi the Coupon Coach: Couponing Made Simple ~ a TOS Molly Crew review

 photo christithecouponcoachlogo_zpsbe2a70cc.pngLately I have been seeing my grocery budget get tighter and tighter. I knew I needed to do something so I was so happy to see that I would be reviewing Couponing Made Simple from Christi the Coupon Coach. Even happier when I picked up some new tips to save my family money!

“Saving lots of money really can be easy if you     know the secret simple steps” ~ from website

Christi the Coupon Coach is a homeschooling mom of 4 who wrote this gem of a book as a way of sharing her step-by-step approach to using coupons to help families save money everyday. In Couponing Made Simple, Christi shows you how to stretch and save our dollars by reducing your grocery bill. This is not an extreme couponing book but rather, a practical how-to book with useful tips and tricks.

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Retailing for just $20.00, but currently on sale for $18.00 for a physical book and $4.99 for an eBook you will be sure to find something useful to help you save money. With 10 short chapters  with 133 pages you will be armed with the knowledge to start saving money in know time.

Chapter 1 ~ Success Stories

Chapter 2 ~ A New Way to Shop

Chapter 3 ~ The Language of Couponing

Chapter 4 ~ Organization System

Chapter 5 ~ Step-by-Step Process

Chapter 6 ~ Tips and Tools

Chapter 7 ~ Couponing Ethics

Chapter 8 ~ Networking and Communication

Chapter 9 ~ Bonus Section

Chapter 10 ~ Beyond Couponing

Back in the day I used to use coupons a lot. It was like a game to see how much money I could save at the register. However, I had fallen off the bandwagon after switching to a “cleaner” way of eating. Now don’t get me wrong I still use coupons but I am not hardcore with a binder / organizer and all (even though I secretly wish I could be). Honestly though, the thought of that gives me a mini anxiety attack.

Couponing Made Simple has given me a refresher course in how to save money for my family. I am not the type of girl to go out shopping to 4-5 different stores…it’s just not possible for me. With this book help and in tiny little baby steps I have been able to capitalize on some really good deals.


I also just found a little bakery on the other side of town where I can get Nature’s Own bread (I have stopped making my own for a little while) for $1.39 a loaf.  I ended up purchasing 3 loaves of bread, two packages of bagels, and a container of cookies because my little people were with me Smile, all for $I0. 39.


At our local grocery I always try to take advantage of the store coupons and I was pleased to find that during the summer Gatorade is on sale almost every week. I have been able to stock up several times by buying four 6-packs with the coupon on the bottle, plus the store loyalty coupon for $9.00!


And I can’t possibly forget to mention that our new favorite ice cream has coupons so I stock up on ice cream and double the coupons on Wednesdays when it’s on sale.


I am glad that Couponing Made Simple has given me little refresher in the coupon using department. Using coupons wisely has its benefits and I can finally enjoy it without having anxiety attacks. Be sure to check out what my fellow Crewmates thought of this book and how successful they were in couponing by clicking the banner below.


Company ~ Christi the Coupon Coach

Product ~ Couponing Made Simple

Price ~ regularly priced at $20.00, but on sale for $18.00 for a physical book, $4.99 for eBook

Ages ~ all ages

Christi The Coupon Coach on Facebook

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