Saturday, June 22, 2013

I am beat ~ and a new truck

         10   knocked out after Tumble Bunnies & lunch (on her face)

This week we started our first official week of summer schedule at the gym. WHEW! I am BEAT! It’s not the waking up early and being out the door by 730 A.M., but the constant running around I did in between. 

2This week I drove Mikayla to physical therapy 3 times. It’s 50 minute drive, each way! Wednesday, she had her first two-a-day, morning practice, break and PT, then evening practice. A total of 9 hours of exercise that day alone,YIKES!  She took a nap while we waited for the second session to start. While her elbow is still not feeling 100% better she is definitely getting stronger. This past week she was able to press up to 5 1/2 press handstands, whohoo! However, her Physical Therapist, Will thinks that her growth plate on the elbow is inflamed again. She is now banned from doing back handsprings on the beam this week. Monday he is going to try a “patch Band-Aid” medicine to see if we can get the inflammation under control.


We also started back up with our summer school schedule. It is a “light” schedule including Math, Grammar, and review products. The girls are also working on completing their individual summer reading projects. So far so good!


Monday night Marie was 9officially inducted into our local Exchange Club. We were introduced to this wonderful serving club from a sweet lady, Ms. Margaret, from church. So far, Marie has earned 5 hours of community service by participating in serving activities including a monthly Bingo at one of the local retirement centers. She has a great time and the elderly folks there just love her :)


On Thursday morning I drove out to the country and met a new friend, Candice, at her house. She only lives 15 minutes from me but it is so peaceful and beautiful in the country. Candice helped walk me through Tapestry of Grace and lifted the “fog” associated with the planning. I left her house enthused and ready to dive into TOG in August. Have I ever told you that I want to live in the country?

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The Lt. has been on “leave” from work all week. He has been searching for weeks for a new vehicle. On Tuesday he decided that he was going to purchase a truck after he found the right one. That just happened to be on Thursday early afternoon. We got Marie headed out the door and on her way to practice then set out to pick up his truck from the dealer. He is now the proud owner of a Dodge Ram 1500. I am impressed by his negotiating skills as he walked away with the truck 20% below MSRP including taxes and licensing. As you can imagine the dealer was not too happy about that. Happy {early} anniversary gift. :)

Saturday morning I had a mild back spasm, if back spasms can be considered mild. I went about my day and by evening I paid for it. Back spasms are not new for me but it has been years (I am talking early 20’s) since I have had one. I smell like a medicine cabinet as I have been having the Lt. rub Extra Strength BenGay on.  I have definitely slowed down this weekend and will into next week. If I have not seen relief by mid week I will head to the doctors.


Saturday morning we also took the girls to see Monster’s University. It was McKenzie’s second ever time going to the theater. She did well. I think the movie was a little too long for her and in some parts it did not hold her attention. She occupied herself during one of those moments by kicking off her crocs and saying in a not so quite whisper, “Mom, my feet are NAKED!” Yes, fun times as the surrounding rows got a chuckle!


Next week I am going to be sharing a review and giveaway geared towards the Kindergarten crowd. Be sure to check back on Tuesday and enter for a chance to win. All in all, it’s been a great week at our house. Hope you had a great week too!

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