This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2013 – 2014 Plan of Study

I am so happy to say that we are heading into year 5 of our homeschooling journey! Last school year we transitioned back to Sonlight as a whole family attempting to complete 4 Cores in one year. I have heard of other families completing this task so I thought I would give it a shot. 
We school 6 weeks on / 1 week off and during one of our week long breaks I decided to make a change and drop Montana's Core B altogether and to combine Madison & Mikayla (loosely for Mikayla) into Core G. We were able to complete lots of hands on projects including a Medieval Unit Study, which they both loved. With Marie being independent that made it a bit easier with just a daily check in and discussion of her readings. This seemed to fit the bill for the rest of the 2012-2013 school year. I am truly amazed by my children each and every day.
While planning for the 2013-2014 school year I was determined to make Sonlight work for my younger set and stick it out. I ordered our new Cores and upgraded IG's for Cores I already owned. Our "Box Day" arrived in early April and I was so excited for the fresh start come August. I inventoried the books and then packed them all back into the boxes until i was ready to dot them and shelve them on the bookshelves. And then it started to happen, sleepless nights and that uneasy feeling that something was just not right.
I tried to push it away and pray. I bought books, I listened to podcasts, I researched into the wee hours of the night. Our State homeschool convention is coming up this weekend and until this past Saturday I was not even sure I was going to go even though I had already registered and paid. All the while, the answer was right in front of my face. On our last day of school, May 31st, I took the girls to our weekly library visit and out for ice cream. As I was sitting at the light waiting to turn I received an email from Lampstand Press and in that instant I knew I had my answer and what I had to do, send back my Sonlight Cores.
Immediately, my mind started racing and thinking; I could not get home fast enough. Once the girls were settled inside I had 35 minutes to get on the computer before it was time to take Mikayla to her weekly private lesson. It was like I was on auto pilot and I found exactly what I was looking for with lightening fast Internet speeds, which we all know never happens when you are trying to look up something quickly. :) I bought the digital copy of Yr 2 Unit 3 from Tapestry of Grace and read through it before leaving the house. I prayed the whole 30 minute drive to the gym and as I sat and watched Mikayla practice I had this overwhelming sense of calmness and assurance. The fire that was dimmed was burning again. I am excited for what is to come for our homeschool journey next school year.
While Sonlight does not work at this time for my younger girls it is a perfect match for Marie. She will continue to use Sonlight for the rest of her schooling years. As for Madison, Mikayla, & Montana and eventually McKenzie I am hoping to spend a few years enjoying Tapestry of Grace and what it's program has to offer.
Without further ado here is our 2013-2014 Plan of Study:
Marie ~11thR.Marie 10thB (edit)
Bible History, 1 cr
~ Sonlight Bible Apologetics 310
English & Composition 3, 1cr
~ 20th Century Literature 330
~ IEW SWI-C & Elegant Essay (* co-op)
20th Century World History, 1cr      
~ Sonlight Core 300   
Math, 2 cr       
~ Chalk Dust Algebra 2        
~ Personal Finance & Economics (*co-op)
Science (Honors), 1.5 cr
~ Honors Apologia Anatomy & Physiology with Red Wagon Tutorials
Foreign Language, 1 cr 
~ Homeschool Spanish Academy                                            
Home Ec, .50 cr (1st semester)
~ Christian Light Press Home Economics I, books 6-10
Graphic Design course, .5cr
~ Practical Graphic Design
PE, .5 cr
~ Competitive cheerleading ECA Lv.4, 3X’s a week
~ Wii Fit, 3X's a week
~PSAT/SAT/ACT prep 1 hour/day  
~ Mapping the World With Art, 1cr
~ Introduction to Speech, .5cr (1st semester)
~ Highschool Art, .5cr (2nd semester)
* At Co-op: IEW Compostion & Elegant Essay, Introduction to Speech, Art, Personal Finance & Economics, Introduction to Survival.
Total credits: 10.5 credits
Madison ~7th
S.Madison 6th (edit)
~ Sonlight Bible
Language Arts
~ Rod & Staff 7   
~ IEW Narnia   
~ Spelling 8
~ Vocabulary lists                            
~ Sonlight Core H Reading lists         
~ Chalk Dust Pre-Algebra                                                                         
~ Life of Fred Fridays (starting with Fractions)
~ Sonlight Core H
~ Apologia General Science with Red Wagon Tutorials
Foreign Language
Art / Composer Study
~ Composer study (2 X’s a month)
~ Art (* co-op)
~ Mapping the World with Art *co-op
~ Wii Fit 3X's a week
* At Co-op: Art,Rocketry, IEW Narnia, Introduction to Survival, and Mapping the World with Art
Mikayla ~5th
T. Mikayla 4th (edit)
~ Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Vol.1                                             
Language Arts
~ Rod & Staff 5     
~ Essentials in Writing, Level 5      
~ Rod & Staff Spelling 6                                                                             
~ Vocabulary lists                    
~ Sonlight Core E Reading lists                                                                      
~ Memoria Press Cursive 3
~ Saxon 6/5                                                                                 
~ Life of Fred Fridays (starting with Farming)
~ Homeschool in the Woods: Time Travelers History Studies ~ The Civil War, Industrial Revolution, and World War II
~ Apologia Young Explorers Chemistry & Physics
~ BrainBogglers                                                                                             
Foreign Language
~ Latin for Children A (finish)
Art / Composer Study
~ Composer study (2 X’s a month)                                                         
~ Mapping the World with Art *co-op 
~Level 8 competitive gymnastics team 26+ hrs week, plus TOPs/HOPEs training 2-4 hours a week
* At Co-op: Art, U.S. Geography, Bible Memory, Little House on the Prairie Unit Study, Mapping the World with Art
Montana ~1st
C.Montana K (edit)
~ Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Vol.1                                                             
Language Arts
~ Memoria Press Story Time Treasures                                                
~Memoria Press Spelling Lists                                                                    
~ Good books reading lists                                                                                       
Writing / Phonics               
~Memoria Press Cursive 1   
~ Ready2Read Level 3                                                           
~Saxon 2                    
~ Life of Fred Fridays (Apples)
Homeschool in the Woods: Time Travelers History Studies ~ The Civil War, Industrial Revolution, and World War II
~ Apologia Young Explorers Chemistry & Physics
* At Co-op: Science, Art, PE, Bible, Team Building Challenge
McKenzie ~PreK4
F.McKenzie PreKB (edit)
~ Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Vol.1
~ Memoria Press Jr. Kindergarten recitations/literature
~ selections from COHS K4 program
~ Saxon K
~ Advanced Tumble Bunnies, 1 hour a week
* At Co-op: Preschool classes
***Plus any products we get the chance to review with The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew!***
Join me next week as I tell you how our schedule will work. What are your plans for next school year? I would love to see them! Leave a link in the comments section.
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