This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Scaredy Cat Reading System Express ~ a TOS review

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The last few weeks I have been using a new supplemental reading curriculum with Montana and McKenzie called Scaredy Cat Reading System Express (SCRS Express) by Dr. Joyce Herzog.  Dr. Joyce Herzog is an accomplished educator since the 1980’s with  public schoolers, homeschoolers, and students with learning disabilities.

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We received the SCRS Express, which is a reading curriculum for multi-aged children. The program is mastery based and includes:

~ Teacher materials

~ 2 game boards

~ CD of the Scaredy Cat Reading System Rule Songs

~ Story of Letter Master

~ Using Letter Master as a Teaching Tool mini book

This versatile, hands'-on learning tool includes a long list of suggestions for activities and games to encourage learning the rules of phonics. This product retails for $30.00 and it is worth the price fully. Because this is the Express level, SCRS Express includes the words and sentences from all previous levels of the Scaredy Cat Reading curriculum. While the SCRS Express curriculum is not scripted and contains no lesson plans, there are plenty of ideas for practice and implementation of the 15 main rules through story or song. 

I used this product with Montana (6) who is reading well and with McKenzie (3) who is mastering her letter sounds. This was a perfect fit for the both of them. We were able to use SCRS as a supplement to our current reading and phonics program 2-3 days a week.  The girls especially enjoyed playing the games. I loved this too, because they were actually learning while having fun!

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I was also pleasantly surprised to have the UPS man deliver the book, Choosing & Using Curriculum which retails for $15.00. Written with a biblical worldview this 100+ book contains 28 short chapters on a variety of homeschool topics about choosing curriculum. Topics include information on curriculum types, educational styles and how to choose programs for math, reading, language arts and more! Additional resources are listed for children with special needs such as autism, ADHD & dyslexia. I really enjoyed this little gem of a book. It has given me quite a few ideas to tailor the subjects the girls need for the next school year.

Overall, I am pleased with both of these products and recommend them wholeheartedly. Definitely check out Dr. Joyce Herzog either through her website or at a homeschooling convention. I know I am looking forward to meeting her at our local convention in June. Be sure to read all of the reviews of all of different curriculum choices from Dr. Joyce Herzog by clicking the banner below.



Company ~ Joyce Herzog

Product ~ Scaredy Cat Reading System Express

Author ~ Dr. Joyce Herzog, MA, PhD

Price ~ SCRS Express ~ $30.00, Choosing & Using Curriculum ~ $15.00

Ages ~ preschool – elementary

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