Tuesday, May 7, 2013

LiteracySoft: Phonics and Reading with McGuffey ~ a TOS review

Montana and McKenzie love playing on the iPad. Sometimes I go to grab my iPad only to find it missing from the nightstand. Sure enough I can find it in the hands of either Montana or McKenzie. But you know what? It’s hard to get upset when they are playing a great learning game like Phonics and Reading with McGuffey from LiteracySoft.

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Phonics and Reading with McGuffey offers extra reading practice for Montana (6) while giving McKenzie (3) a gentle head start at learning to read. The revamped program has been redesigned for the modern era with 52 step-by-step lessons to guide your child to a first grade reading level.

Available on many different platforms including PC, Mac, and Apple iOS devices the program is affordably priced at $19.98. We reviewed the Apple app on our iPad.

The app features:

 photo literacysoftapp_zps92bba7a1.png~ All 52 McGuffey Primer lessons

~ All 44 letter sounds of English and their graphemes

~ 60+ letter sound animations

~ 400+ practice word vocabulary

~ 9000+ nonsense word audio dictionary

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Downloading the app was super easy from iTunes and the app features several spaces for multiple children to learn individually. It is so user friendly that McKenzie did not even need help to open up and get started the first day. We were able to use the app 4 days a week  for 15-20 minutes at a time during school hours. I did, however, find the girls playing the app outside of school time which makes this momma happy.


Overall, I highly recommend this app for anyone looking for some extra reading practice. It is fun enough that the kids will want to play and not feel like it is a chore. Montana has been making great strides with her reading this year and McKenzie is really starting to pick up and remember her letter sounds. I owe part of this accomplishment to this great app! Also be sure to check out and download the corresponding eBook with all 52 lessons. I do wish that it was available as an Android app and accessible on the Kindle Fire. Perhaps down the road it will be.

Like many apps, Literacy Soft offers Phonics and Reading with McGuffey in a Lite Version that includes the first 10 lessons for free. Be sure to check it out and see if this app would be a good fit for your child. Also check out what my CrewMates thought of this app by clicking the banner below to read their reviews.


Company ~ LiteracySoft

Product ~ Phonics and Reading with McGuffey

Price ~ $19.98

Ages ~ PreK  and up. Great for struggling readers.

Platform ~ PC, Mac, Apple iOS

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