Learning math facts is just a daily part of our homeschool day. In the past it was like pulling tooth and nail to get the girls to drill their facts. But now I have a secret weapon. It’s a computer game called Math Rider.
Do you have a child who is learning math facts? Are they struggling to get those facts down and it is a daily battle? Then I may have the perfect solution for you. A few weeks ago we were given a copy of to review Math Rider which is designed for ages 6-12. It is all about practicing and mastering basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.
Math Rider presents mastering math facts in a new and innovative way. The student gets to ride on a horse to "travel on a quest" in fantasy-type lands with missions to find magical flowers, stolen gems, and there is even the chance to rescue a princess. Throughout the "quest" your student is practicing math facts for addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
While the rider is playing, the game learns what the rider knows and what he or she still needs to practice. Every single response (or non-response) is stored in an internal database and statistically analyzed by the software. In this way the program is able to custom-tailor to each rider, which questions are asked next. No repetitive drilling of random number facts the rider already knows – but real practice of what actually needs to be practiced!
I used this program mostly with Montana, my 6 year old Kindergartener focusing mostly on the addition facts. By mounting your trusty horse, Shadow, your rider moves through the game at varying speeds based off of previously answered questions. The question difficulty is varied to keep balance and to build your child's confidence. Pressing the correct number and pressing enter helps the rider earn animated rewards. Montana played the game about 3-4 times a week for about 10-15 minute intervals without complaint. That was the best part for me. Her asking and wanting to play even though it was math.
Plenty of feedback is given on the rider’s mastery of each number fact and operation, including an innovative overview map of mastery for each number table. This is highly beneficial for both the rider and the parent/educator. You can see with one glance where your child is at and where he or she might need further assistance. Top challenges are also listed in a separate list box for further easy reference. ~ from website
Mikayla played every now and then since she is still working on mastering the last few multiplication facts, but it was mostly Montana going along for the ride. We have found Math Rider to be a great way to get in those facts while still having fun and learning. The price is just right too at $47; not too pricey, yet economical because you can have up to 8 rider slots for your children. The game also includes free software updates for life.
Math Rider operates using Adobe® AIR™ runtime, making the game available to all platforms including Windows or Mac. The only requirement is that your computer needs about 80MB of hard disk space and you need at least a 1024 x 768 resolution for the monitor. And guess what?!? Math Rider has a free 7 day trial so you can try it out before you buy to make sure it will be a good fit for your family.
We definitely recommend this program to anyone whose child needs to master the math facts. Montana has enjoyed the program and I have seen improvement in her recall in the addition facts, which makes this Mama overjoyed! Check out what my Crewmates thought by clicking on the banner below.

Company/Product ~ Math Rider
Price ~ $47.00 with free updates for life
Ages ~ K-6th
Platform ~ Adobe AIR, Windows & Mac