Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Leadership Garden Legacy ~ a TOS review

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Leadership skills are important for everyone, homeschoolers or not. It is a skill the Lt. and I try to instill in our daughters. While the Lt. is a natural born leader and a couple of our daughters inherited that skill from him. For the past few weeks we have been working through Leadership Garden Legacy’s  U.N.I.Q.U.E. KIDS: Growing My Leadership Garden.

Written by Debra J. Slover, Growing My Leadership Garden seeks to help teach you, the parent, how to nurture and grow the leader within your child. A cute fable that is written for the 8-12 year old audience tells the story of a scared and confused lost sheep, Hugh, as he wanders through the Leadership Farm. While there Hugh meets a pair of  compassionate gardeners named Leda and Aristotle and a friendly tour guide Border collie named Annabelle. These three friends along with Blossom the cow and Robert the rooster help to plant courage and grow a leader out of Hugh.

For this review we received:

UNIQUE Kids book photo leadership-uniquekidsbook_zps3822722c.jpgLeadership Garden Guidebook photo leadership-adultleadership-guidebook_zpsf2bbaaad.jpgUNIQUE Kids Activity book photo leadership-kids-activity-guide_zps54f3f800.jpg

hard copy books:
U.N.I.Q.U.E. KIDS: Growing My Leadership Garden
U.N.I.Q.U.E.: Growing the Leader Within
The Leadership Garden Guidebook 
   UNIQUE Kids MP3 photo leadership-kids-cdmp3_zpsaf402d56.jpg

and the following downloadable resources:
U.N.I.Q.U.E. KIDS Activity Guide & My Leadership Garden Journal - PDF Downloads
U.N.I.Q.U.E. KIDS Audio Book MP3 Download
U.N.I.Q.U.E.: Growing the Leader Within - Audio Book MP3 Download

The U.N.I.Q.U.E. acronym stands for Understanding, Nurturing, Inventive, Quality, Unstoppable, Expression. Mrs. Slover guides you one letter at a time through the U.N.I.Q.U.E. model that forms the Leadership Garden Legacy. Throughout the journey we are shown that love is the central component to the Leadership Garden through six leader-friendly gardening practices that include:

~ be nonjudgmental

~ do not enable

~ use empathy

~ prune gossip

~ eliminate blame

~ eradicate victimization

I knew from the get go that this was not a scripturally based program, but decided to give it a try and my thoughts are mixed. I read through the teachers book and I started out using the kids book with Madison, Mikayla & Montana thinking it would be a great way to further teach leadership qualities. I read from the book and we discussed quite a few of the “Hugh wants to Know” questions along with some activities from the guide book. However, something just was not clicking with me. Yes, it’s a great story and the overall concept is great as far as what they are aiming to teach, but there were parts of the book that made me pause and think  Hmmm…“is this truly correct?”

Unfortunately, this leadership curriculum is not a good fit for our family. Other members of the Crew had a great time with this program and I do recommend that you judge for yourself if this is the right type of curriculum for your family. Be sure to click the banner below and read some of the other reviews and then try out the free preview guide



Company ~ Leadership Garden Legacy

Product ~ U.N.I.Q.U.E. KIDS: Growing My Leadership Garden

Price ~ Kids book costs $18.95, the PDF download of the activity guide costs $8.95, and the MP3 audio download is $8.95. The Growing the Leader Within paperback costs $18.95, the guidebook also costs $18.95, and the MP3 download is $14.95.

*** Leadership Garden Legacy is offering the TOS Community a “Spring Special Discount” of 20% on all their Empowerment Tools until May 31, 2013. Enter the discount code TOS-SS20D at checkout.

Ages ~ 8-12 yrs old

Leadership Garden Logo photo leadershipgardenlogo_zpsf3754c7a.jpg


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