Monday, March 18, 2013

TouchMath: Pre-K ~ a TOS Review

 With four older sisters doing school each day, it's no wonder that 3yr old McKenzie wants to join in on the fun!
"Girls, do your Math!"
So, apparently I say that a lot during the course of our school day because McKenzie has been telling the girls this when she see them getting off track. Regardless of the fact that Math may already be done for the day. When the review interest form opened for TouchMath I knew this would be just the right program. Initially, I wanted to use the program with Montana, but who could pass up the opportunity to tell McKenzie to do her Math. :)

TouchMath is a multisensory program created by Janet Bullock, based on her classroom experience with children who were struggling to connect the concrete fact that 3 objects in front of them is the same as the abstract written number 3. She created numerals that have counting points, “TouchPoints”, on them corresponding with the number being learned. Students can then feel one raised bump for each count needing to be learned.

We were chosen for the Pre-K TouchMath program with 6 hands on manipulatives which retails for $59.95.
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The Pre-Kindergarten program covers:
  • Counting and number sense
  • Comparing and classifying
  • Sorting, Classifying, Graphing and Patterning
  • Identifying, Sorting and Classifying 2-D shapes
  • Identifying, Sorting and Classifying 3-D shapes and Coins
  • Representing Quantities and Shapes
The main part of the program came as a PDF download straight to my email. A few days later a  box arrived filled with our Manipulative goodies. I tell you it was like Christmas waiting in anticipation for the goodies to come. 

Inside the box included:

Touch Shapes ~ 108-piece set of six different multi-size/multi-colored shapes {circle, square, rectangle, triangle, rhombus, and hexagon} that can be used independently or with TouchMath Pre-K. Introduces student to shape identification, smaller/ larger, classifying and patterning. {$30.00}

3-D Numerals ~ Brightly-colored, durable plastic 6 inch 3-D Numerals that children can touch and count the raised TouchPoints  while learning the correct Touching/Counting Patterns. A PDF activity booklet with reproducible masters and additional ideas is included on CD. {$79.00}

Texture Cards ~ Perfect for tactile/kinesthetic learners, this learning tool contains five sets of cards (45 cards total), each with its own texture and theme — Shapes, Fruit, Forest Animals, Sea Life and TouchPoints. Each set of cards has  numerals for 1–9 and is designed to help you teach number recognition, numeral/quantity association, counting and vocabulary. The back of the cards show the numeral with TouchPoints and Touching/Counting Patterns. {$99.00}

Touch Point Posters ~ Winner of the 2007 Teacher’s Choice Award these ten eye-catching 8 1/2” x 11” posters are designed for smaller classrooms and will help you present the numerals 0–9 with TouchPoints. Also includes ideas for additional activities. {$43.99}

Math Fans ~  Basic math concepts are presented using these math fans with highly visual graphics, words, and numbers. Reinforce topics such as: one-to-one correspondence, counting and number order, greater than/less than, money, shapes, fractions, place value, addition, and subtraction. A comprehensive CD containing an 80-page PDF with Teaching Strategies, Lesson Plans, and Student Worksheets is also included. {$239.00}

Number Concept Posters ~ Ten high-intensity 11” x 17” posters help students connect a numeral with the quantity it represents. Each poster illustrates one numeral from 0–9 with the correct Touching/Counting Pattern in three formats: balloon TouchPoints, standard TouchPoints and without any visual cues on the numeral. Cute Cuddly CritterCrew characters are pictured holding the corresponding number of balloons. This highly interactive set contains additional instructional strategies for classroom activities and reproducible desktop masters. {$53.00}

The program suggests that you spend approximately 2 minutes per year of age of the child using the program every day.  Since McKenzie is 3 that put us at a minimum of 6 minutes per day. I can tell you now that we did more than 6 minutes a day becasue she LOVES the program and Math!

The TouchMath teacher’s guide includes scripted lesson plans for each of the 6 module workmats. Each day I followed the scripted lessons and presented the workmat lessons. We also spent time during the day playing with the additional manipulatives and/or extra activities.

We have been using TouchMath Pre-K 5 days a week and McKenzie surprised me with how much she already really knows. We have been able to breeze right on through Module 1 and we are currently 3/4 of the way through Module 2. Some days she requestes to complete 2-3 workmats and we just keep going until she shows signs of fatigue.

I can not say enough how much I LOVE this program! We were truly blessed to have been chosen to review the Pre-K edition and selected for all the manipulatives. Yes, while the manipulatives are pricey (for some), I think they enhance the program and are a good buy! I have been able to use several of the manipulatives with my other girls, especially the Math Fans and 3-D Numerals. Once we make our way through the Pre-K program I plan on purchasing the Kindergarten Program for McKenzie to start in the Fall. You can not go wrong with a program when your child begs to do Math!

Be sure to check out what my CrewMates thought of the Pre-K program and the K-2 grade programs too by clicking on the banner below.

Company ~ TouchMath
Product ~ Pre-K
Price ~ $59.95 for complete Pre-K module
Ages ~ Preschool age, 2-4
logo photo touchlogo_zps5760f524.jpg

Disclaimer: I received TouchMath Pre-K Homeschool edition through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.
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