This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Essentials in Writing, Grade 10 ~ a TOS review

Essentials in Writing Grade 10 photo EIW10thgrade_zpse9ce70e0.jpgSometimes I wonder if my girls are getting enough writing. Why, I do not know because we use a really strong grammar program  that incorporates writing into the lessons and they can write. I guess I am just hard on myself because I want the best for them. Whatever the reason is I am so blessed to be apart of the TOS Crew where I can try out new products like Essentials in Writing. The title says it all. This gem of a program gives you all the “essentials” needed to give your child a solid writing curriculum.

Essentials in Writing is a complete language arts curriculum with emphasis on composition.
The basic parts of speech are covered in grades 1-6; however, the focus is on how they are “used”
to better communicate with the reader rather than diagramming sentences. Grades 7 and 8 weave
grammar instruction into the lessons during the drafting and revising stage of the writing process. Grades 9-12 focus primarily on sentence structure, paragraphs, essays, and research papers; however, grammar is
woven into instruction and writing activities.

                                                            ~ from Creator, Matthew Stephens

For this review we received the Tenth Grade Essay/Research Paper Curriculum and have been using it for the last 6 weeks. My neighbor, Tracey, actually told me about this program last year and I debated on purchasing it. When I saw it posted as a review item, I stalled a little bit more. I am so glad we were chosen for this review because for just $40.00 you receive  DVDs with lesson-by-lesson video instruction on sentence composition, paragraphs, the writing process, essays, effective writing techniques, and research paper writing. Also included is a CD-ROM with printable assignment sheets, worksheets and answer keys in PDF format. If you prefer pre-printed notebooks that option is also available for $20.00 if you do not want to print the files from PDF. There is no difference in content between the PDF file or Pre-Printed workbook, just your preference.

Working through the grade 10 level your child will learn all about the following topics:

  • SENTENCE STRUCTURE - dependent and independent clause; simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences; address sentence errors (fragment, run on, and comma splice)
  • FORMAL PARAGRAPH - structure; expository, persuasive, compare/contrast, descriptive, cause/effect, and narrative paragraphs
  • THE WRITING PROCESS - in depth study of each part of the writing process; practice the writing process with each multi-paragraph composition
  • ESSAYS (formal and informal) - detailed instruction and step by step process for narrative, personal, expository, persuasive, and compare/contrast essays
  • RESEARCH PAPER (project) - detailed instruction and step by step process to conduct a research project and write a research paper (CAUSE/EFFECT)

                                                                                          ~ from website

Marie worked through this program 4 days a week. I love that at this grade TOuchMath, Misc 045level it is pretty independent and she just popped in the DVD and watched the lesson on her laptop and then completed the corresponding worksheets. So far she has completed several essays on how beneficial Shutter Shade Sunglasses are and a descriptive essay on How to Make Homemade Pizza. I graded her written work and papers and we filed them away in her binder. Since we are winding down in our school year we have just reached the point where we are getting into the discussion of the “research paper”. While we are still in the beginning steps of narrowing down her topic, Why so many people eat junk food, I really enjoy the thoroughness and detail of the whole process.

I can confidently say that we have found a writing program the I LOVE! So much so, that I purchased copies of the 4th grade and 7th grade programs for my younger girls to use the remainder of this school year and we will be ordering the next levels for next school year. Be sure to check out the samples listed on the website and see if this program would work for your young writers.

Essentials in Writing has all the bells and whistles needed to teach your child how to write without having to pay an arm and a leg! What’s even better, they start teaching writing skills in first grade all the way through 12th grade. For the $40.00 price tag it gets the job done and it makes this homeschooling Mama very happy!

Be sure to check out what my Crew Mates thought of Essentials in Writing grade 1,3,4,5, & 6-11 by clicking the banner below.


Company ~ Essentials in Writing

Product ~ Tenth Grade Essay/Research Paper Curriculum

Price ~ $40.00 for DVD with PDF files, $20.00 optional printed workbook

Ages ~ 10th graders

Essential in Writing logo photo EssentialsinWritinglogo_zps7affe1cf.jpg


Disclaimer: I received the Tenth Grade Essay/Research Paper Curriculum from Essentials in Writing through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.

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