What’s not to love about learning Spanish. Especially when it is put to catchy music and you find yourself singing or humming the tunes all.day. long, ahem. If you came to visit us you would find my littles dancing and singing away to catchy tunes like “If You’re Feliz and You Know It or “Yo me llamo”. All thanks to a wonderful program called Song School Spanish from Classical Academic Press.

Within the 31 chapters of the student workbook your child will be introduced to the Spanish language through catchy songs, rhymes and activities with two new pals Tortuga & Conejo. Chapters are broken down into manageable segments with a few new words to learn and the actual lesson. It is recommended to complete a chapter a week studying the chapter over three days. The Student book serves as the child’s workbook and is meant to be written in. It also includes cutouts in the back for puppets. A CD with over 40 songs and chants is included in the back of the student workbook. The student workbook retails for $24.95 and includes access to Headventure Land, a special place to practice your newly learned Spanish. Check out a sample lesson by clicking HERE.

The Teacher’s Edition includes the entire student text, answer keys, additional teacher’s notes, and many fun interactive activities. For advanced students or for those needing additional practice there are over 40 pages of additional workbook pages and activities (answers are included for these extra pages too). The Teacher’s Edition retails for $24.95.
We love Classical Academic Press and the products they publish. We use several of their products from Latin to Spanish in our daily homeschool lessons and this one is just as top notch as the others. The girls have loved learning Spanish and I love that they are soaking it up like sponges. When someone asks for a recommendation for Spanish or Latin I will always recommend Classical Academic Press! Be sure to check out my Crewmates reviews of Song School Spanish by clicking the link below.

Company ~ Classical Academic Press
Product ~ Song School Spanish
Price ~ $24.95 for Student workbook and $24.95 for Teacher’s Edition
Grades ~ K through 3rd