Thursday, February 28, 2013

Going to College and Paying for It ~ a TOS review

R.Marie 10thB (edit)This is Marie. She is my oldest and about to turn 16. Along with this fantastic milestone of age comes with it the realization that she will be heading off to college in 2 short years. What! How did the time go so fast? What will her major be? And the most important question of all, how are we going to pay for it? (Slight momentary panic) thankfully we do have resources in place to get her started and have the help of College Common Sense's program Going to College and Paying For It.
Going to College and Paying For It is a program developed by Denise Ames, a financial aid counselor at a university in the great state of Texas for all families with children young and old. Denise designed this program with the goal of helping families fully understand and aware of the process for finding and obtaining financial aid for college. Available in both DVD / workbook format, which retails for $50.00 plus $5.00 shipping/handling or as an online subscription for one year's access to the video and workbook material for $25.00. These are identical products you just choose your formatting preference. We received the online subscription.  
Once you log into the program you will find access to six videos that are roughly 20-30 minutes in length, along with the corresponding PDF files for the following topics:
The Big Picture
How Financial Aid Works
All About Free Money
The System That Works
You in the Process
Pull it all Together
If you have just younger children, the author of the program recommends that just the parent watch the videos. however, with older students and teens have them watch with you or independently. The workbook includes several pages of notes, most of which is repeated on the video, and additional worksheets to go along with the lessons.
College Common Sense has a ton of FREE information on their website! Be sure to take a look around and sign up for the FREE monthly Newsletter and FREE weekly lesson plans. A lot of essential resources are on the website that will be helpful as your child heads off to college.
I have to admit that we got a slow start to this program. I myself, was a little overwhelmed with the whole thought of starting this journey. However, once I got on the ball we were well on our way. Marie and I watched the first four videos together and then she watched the remaining two videos on her own. We completed one to two activities for each of the videos which were very helpful to understand the whole big picture of college and financial aid. We found this program tremendously helpful in our college planning and we will be referring back to its principles.
Going to College and Paying For It helps show you how to get as much "free" money as you can. They are going to give it to somebody, why not your family? Check out what my CrewMates thought by clicking the banner below.
 Company ~ College Common Sense
 Price ~ DVD / workbook format, retails for $50.00 plus $5.00 shipping/handling or as an online subscription for one year's access to the video and workbook material for $25.00. These are identical products you just choose your formatting preference
 Ages ~ elementary through high school
Disclaimer: I received a one year subscription for Going to College and Paying For It from College Common Sense through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.
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