This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up ~ when mom is sick, wk 17

Jan Misc 083  I do not have many pictures from this week. Sad, but true. I was not feeling well at all.  The Lt. left for a week long business trip to Maryland Monday morning and we took the day off of school for the MLK holiday. The girls had morning practice from 830AM-130PM. I really do love morning practice, having the evening free is so nice!

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By Tuesday morning, I was completely wiped out. My whole body ached and I was sneezing 6, 7, 8 times in a row. We did a half day of school, just the basics and called it a day. I was so thankful when our carpool friend came and picked up the girls for practice. snow C

Wednesday my sister, Allie, and I narrowed down our timeframe for running our first 5K together. I am pretty excited about it and so is she. I plan on starting to run next week when the weather is not quite so frigid. I am not a big treadmill runner but there is no way I can run outside when it is 18 degrees. I also roped Marie into being my running partner, because the way I see it, the more the better. Plus we can motivate each other and the bonding time will be great. She likes the idea of getting some snazzy new running shoes too :-)

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Thursday was to be a marathon day and luckily the Lt. came home a day early from his trip. Marie had cheerleading pictures at the main gym over 1hr away plus the girls have gymnastics. I was able to get everybody home and to their perspective places so all in all it was a good day. I am excited to see how her pictures turned out.


Friday morning my gymnasts had morning practice again and we were expecting a snow storm. On my way to pick the girls up I was held up by the train and a school bus disturbance. Lights and all 4 police cars came blaring to the intersection and escorted 3 teenage boys from the school bus. . The behavior of the escorted boys was appalling as they cheered and jeered at the situation and made me just that much more thankful that my girls are home. The bus then proceeded to back up a driveway so that the rest of the traffic could go through. The whole ordeal took 25 minutes and I was late getting the girls, thankfully I was able to call the coach and let her know what was happening so they were not to worried.  Jan Misc 087

We did end up getting snow on Friday afternoon just as the weatherman predicted. It was quite distracting for the girls as we were trying to get our Friday schoolwork done. I ended up calling it a day when my head started hurting again. I am not sure what bug I have but it struck again Friday evening and I was out for the count by 7PM. I am hoping to be back healthy again by Sunday evening so we can get our lessons done back to normal.

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How was your week?



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