Tuesday, January 1, 2013

myWord ~ 2013

I have never been one for resolutions. While I do have my list of things I would like to accomplish for the year that is not my real focus. In the past few years I have been focusing on One Word to define my year. In 2012/2011 I chose the word LOVE, that was a combination of 4 different words:
I am ready to move on from this selection and begin to focus on something else. Have you heard of One Word 365? The concept of One Word 365 is to choose
One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. One word that you can focus on every day, all year long.
It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your word will shape you and your year. It will guide your decisions and help you grow.
Discover the big impact one word can make.
One word.
365 days.
A changed life.
~ website
This year My Word is
Moxie (n):
The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage, Skill; know-how, fortitude and determination
Grace (n):
A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill, seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.
I chose this word for my focus for this year because I am embarking on a journey to finish my court reporting school. It will take a lot of Moxie ~ Grace for me to put my plans into action but I am up for the challenge. Also, this is a big year for us as we will be faced with many changes with the Lt.’s job selection and whether or not we will be able to stay in our current location. To me this is a strong, tangible, action word that I will go into more depth on within the coming weeks as I start to put my goals into action.
So, what’s your Word? Did you pick one? Share with me in the comments below and link up with other One Worders and be blessed.
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