Monday, December 31, 2012

100 Bible verses in 2013, week 1

100 Bible Verses in 2013

This year the girls and I are teaming up with over 270 people to memorize the 100 Bible Verses Everyone Should Know by Heart by Robert J. Morgan. For the next 50 weeks we will memorize 2 verses each week.  I am up for the challenge and so are the girls. How about you?There is still time to sign up and the book  only costs $10.19 for paperback or $2.99 for the Kindle edition on Amazon. But don’t let the price of the book stop you! The sweet lady hosting, Shanna, has made up a list of the versus in a Word document for both King James Version and New King James Version.

Week 1’s verses are familiar to most, especially if your children were ever in AWANA.

Gensis 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

So, won’t you join us? Sign up on Facebook at the link HERE.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Favorite photo{s} of 2012

How could I possibly pick just one photo to be my favorite of 2012? I can’t so I have narrowed it down to 5.

Spring Break ~ Myrtle Beach, SC

Spring Break 2012- Myrtle Beach, SC 164 

We had such a great time on our first visit to South Carolina! We traveled to the beach for a cheer competition for Marie. It was great to explore the town and visit all the attractions.


Strawberry picking

strawberries again 013 

I have always wanted to go strawberry picking. We did for the first time this year at the local farm near our house. The girls and I ended up going to the farm 4 times over the course of the strawberry season. The berries were so good and we look forward to the upcoming season and eating more berries!


Lt. & Mary Lou

Yes, that is my hubby standing next to THE Mary Lou Retton! Our gymnastic gym hosted the 2012 Junior Olympics Nationals and the Lt. was one of the lucky few to get a picture with Mary Lou. She was there in support of one of her daughters. It was so exciting when he sent this text to my phone. I actually interrupted the girls practice to go and show all the girls who were equally excited.

Mike and Mary Lou

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father's Day 2012 094 

Father’s Day 2012 was a great celebration for the Lt. and the family. We had a nice relaxing day spent in the pool and he grilled up a delicious meal on his new barbeque grill.


Caffey Girls

group B

This is my favorite group shot of the girls from their school photo shoot. I love all their smiles and have great memories of what it took to get them all looking in the direction of the camera. I love these girls so much and I am truly blessed to be their mother.

So, those are my favorite photos of 2012. Do you have a favorite photo{s} to share? If so, leave the link in the comments and I will head over and check it out!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Twenty-twelve in a nutshell

2012 was a blessed year for us at A Stable Beginning! From visits from Grandma and Cousin Danielle, graduations, state championships, and field trips with friends it was a joy filled year! For this look back I have taken the first post of the month and added a favorite picture to go with it. On Monday, Dec. 31st see how my Crewmates are reflecting on their blogging year as we Look Back at 2012 by clicking HERE. Without further ado here is a look back at our year.

January ~ Happy New Year

Jan Misc 172

February ~ Kinderbach

Valentine's day 2012 052

March ~ Coming Back

Misc and Easter 2012 084

April ~ Happy Easter

Strawberry picking 002

May ~ Level 5 State Championship: Veni, Vidi, Vici!

262 222

June ~ The Road to Masters

 Mike's Masters graduation, prt 1 030

July ~ Homeschool Spanish Academy

Mike's Masters graduation, prt 1 047

August ~ Back to Homeschool: Planning

1st day of school 2012-2013 029

September ~ TOPs update: Audces fortuna iuvat

Lv. 5 STATE meet - Happy Bday 139

October ~ Where I Stood

GML apple picking 2012 072 

November ~ {my} Pumpkins

Pumpkins McKenzie

December ~ Wordless Wednesday: FAMEous


From the fullness of His grace

we have all received one blessing after another.

~John 1:16


Thursday, December 27, 2012

2013 Booklist

imagesCAN0D3CT I have already started planning the books I would like to read in 2013. I did not read as many books for myself in 2012 so for 2013 I want to change that. I plan to read most of the books on my Kindle but I am a paperback girl at heart, so we will see. The list below is just a starting point, as I hope to read more than the 26 listed.

{} Raising Your Spirited Child ~ Mary Sheedy Kurcinka *Started 12/27

{} The Choice ~ Robert Whitlow

{} The History of Us ~ Leah Stewart

{} Full Disclosure ~ Dee Henderson

{} Shiver ~ Karen Robards

{} Grace, Gold & Glory ~ Gabrielle Douglas

{} The Courage To Start ~ John Bingham

{} Radical ~ David Platt

{} The Pursuit of God ~ A.W. Tozer

{} Les Miserables ~ Victor Hugo

{} Comanche Moon ~ Catherine Anderson

{} Daring Greatly ~ Brene Brown

{} Outlander (series) ~ Diana Gabaldon

{} Eat & Run ~ Scott Jurek

{} Mark of the Lion ~ Francine Rivers

{} Captivating ~ Elderidge

{} Beyond Survival ~ Waring

{} The Mormon Mirage

{} The Mission of Motherhood ~ Sally Clarkson

{} Gone Girl (series) ~ Gillian Flynn

{} The Racketeer ~ John Grisham

{} Killing Lincoln ~ Bill O’Reilly

{} Notorious Nineteen ~ Janet Evanovich

{} Proof of Heaven ~ Eben Alexander

{} Go Tell it on the Mountain ~ James Baldwin


What books do you have on your reading list for 2013?

*Photo credit

Wednesday, December 26, 2012