Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy 4th Blogoversary + GIVEAWAY!

Wow, 4 years of blogging have gone by! I remember back in the summer of 2008 when my Aunt Janice was urging me to start a blog. I kept putting it off citing how busy I was working and going to school to blog. How silly of me!

I enjoy blogging so much and it has opened up so many opportunities. I have gained so many new friends too. I love that I am able to share with you guys the good, the bad, and sometimes the ugly parts of being a military wife striving to raise 5 beautiful, free-thinking young women. Thanks for following along and I hope that 2013 brings even more!

Up for grabs for all the followers of this here blog is a brand new copy of Buck Denver asks...Why Do We Call It Christmas? DVD.

Cutting down trees? Hanging stockings? Santa Claus? What do any of these have to do with Jesus' birthday? More than you'd think!
                                                                                                                      ~ from cover

a Rafflecopter giveaway

* I purchased this DVD and I am giving it away to one of my followers. Once a winner has been announced please send me your mailing address and I will get the DVD in the mail ASAP so that you may have it sometime next week (if you are stateside). My actual blogoversary is on Dec.22nd but because my giveaway item is all about Christmas I am doing the giveaway early so you get it in time for the big day.
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