Friday, October 19, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up ~ a well deserved “B” and the PSAT

science 184Whew, what a week! We got a lot accomplished but I am glad that it is behind us. This week included Marie taking the PSAT at the local high school on Wednesday morning. She had to be at the school by 745AM and then we waited for 15 minutes before they even called her back. All in all she thinks it went well for her first time and she made sure she had time to fill in all the answers. Funny thing was when I went to pick her up from the high school I brought the girls with me and the truancy officer gave me the stink eye and just starred at us. I just smiled and waved, LOL!!! Results should be out sometime in early December so I will keep you posted on how she did.

Marie also had her module 2 Test on Thursday.  We have spent the last 3 weeks working on the concepts and the math (significant figures) for this module and she finally has got it!


Marie ended up scoring an 80% on her Module 2 Test and I was so happy. You do not want to know how many days I was second guessing myself about science these last few weeks.  She is not my science loving girl, but I am hopeful that she will start to enjoy it soon. You know what though, she is getting a really strong and solid program through Red Wagon Tutorials. She is not taking the online live class, rather the self-directed Honors Chemistry. In fact I am so please with Mr. Rosenoff’s thoroughness I am strongly considering having Madison start the self-directed Honors General Science for 7th grade.

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Madison and I on the other hand love science. It is my favorite time of the week.  Mikayla enjoys it too but not as much as Madison. Right now we are on hiatus from our regularly scheduled science for the year as we complete Science Activity Bags for an upcoming review. This week we completed two activities, one on Feasting Yeast and another one Chemical Reactions using cabbage dye as our indicator. I can not wait to share our review with you in early November.

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So what else did we do all this week? Not much else was exciting happening here. Everyone completed math, grammar, and history assignments. Montana did have bouts of stubbornness while doing her Explode the Code lessons. She has picked up some bad habits, like talking back, from some of her teammates, which we are reigning in. We got through it though and she completed her lessons for this week along with her IEW PAL lessons.

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Next week marks the end of our first quarter of school. Wow! 9 weeks down next week. The girls are looking for to their progress reports and showing them to the Lt. My goal is to have everything entered and in the books by Friday morning as Mikayla has a private lesson at 2pm to polish up for Saturday’s test out meet. Plus, next Saturday is our Apple Fest pickup. This year we will be getting a bushel of Golden Delicious (our favorite) and a combined bushel of Golden Delicious, Fuji, Stayman, and Winesap that we are splitting with friends. Who’s ready for applesauce and apple pies? Yum!

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So, how was your week?

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