Saturday, October 6, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up ~ 6 weeks down

Whew, the first 6 weeks of school are in the books! Well, almost in the books because I still need to enter the scores in ;-) The girls are doing really well this year. So far so good! Monday we will start our new schedule, I hope it goes well and we are able to get everything done. We took our second fieldtrip of the year on Monday. We went Apple picking with our friends The Zeno’s. You can read about our 4 hour driving adventure here. We had a blast and our apples are just about gone {yikes}! We finished up our Egyptian death masks and the girls had fun painting them.

We have been knee deep in reviews as the TOS Schoolhouse review Crew wraps up the year. I have so many great products to share with you in the coming weeks so stay tuned. Oh, and if you ever wanted to be apart of the Crew, the applications will be opening up very soon.

We had tears this week when my little perfectionist, Mikayla, misspelled 2 words on her review week spelling test. She was so upset with herself for the silly mistakes she made. Also, partly because she broke her 100% streak. But hey, next week is another week and we can start it again. I am looking forward to starting IEW’s PAL full time with Montana next week and having McKenzie start her preschool activity bags.

And if you have read this far, I have something to tell you. I have baby fever! Yep, I can finally admit it that I want another baby. What can I say, I like even numbers. At our church group this week I was in the nursery and playing with our friends cute little twins and that pushed me over the edge, so to speak :-) Now, wanting and happening are two completely different things. So if it is in God’s plans then we will be adding another little girl :-) (just being real and with our track record it is safe to say a little girl) to our family. But, you know what?! If it is not in God’s plans, I am completely and utterly overjoyed and blessed with the blessing I have!!!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you had a great week!
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