This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up ~ After vacation, week 5

In my life this week… sometimes I need a vacation from my vacation (and I mean this in the nicest way ever!)  We went to Great Wolf Lodge, Jamestown, Yorktown, Colonial Williamsburg, and D.C. with great friends and fellow homeschoolers. We had.a.blast!!! Then Sunday afternoon I started feeling bad. Bad as in fever and head cold and no lesson planning for the next week got done. Which then led to a mini melt-down on my part mid-week…because I felt so unprepared. But, you know what?!? The girls and I made it through and we actually accomplished A LOT of things this week. And no, I have not put up more vacation pictures yet, but I will hopefully get to it this weekend.

last week of Sept. Misc 012  last week of Sept. Misc 034 last week of Sept. Misc 014last week of Sept. Misc 037 last week of Sept. Misc 152 2  

In our homeschool this week… we did just the basics, reading, writing, grammar, history, and science. I ended up switching my younger girls to just one History time period, Ancients & Middle Ages. We are currently following Sonlight’s Core G  using Story of the World as our spine. Yes, we have done Ancients before but the girls were on different levels of the trivium. This time around we are doing more map work and more hands on activities which they love! It is working for us and they work so well together too. This week we started making Egyptian death masks out of papier mache. Oh so messy, but oh so fun! In science we learned that the sun’s rays act as a heating element as we brewed some tea and used the thermometer.


Mikayla scored a 100% on her spelling test, the 5TH week in a row! I love the way she is taking such ownership in her studies and applying herself this year! Marie plugged along in her classes as well. We had a little hiccup in Chemistry but we are back on track. This week she completes her first essay on the novel Til We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. Madison scored A’s on both her math and grammar tests on Thursday! Yahoo!!! Such a great accomplishment for her. Montana learned a few new sight words and is getting better at decoding and sounding out new words. I am really excited about starting IEW’s PAL program with her next week.  

Sept. vacation 2012 GWL, JMSTWN, YRKTWN,DC 189

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Monday we are heading up north for apple picking with the Zeno’s. We spent our vacation with them last week and Montana is really looking forward to seeing her friend Miss. G. We are all pretty excited to start off apple season.

Sept. vacation 2012 GWL, JMSTWN, YRKTWN,DC 054

My favorite thing this week was… having a picnic with friends today. We do not get to see them as much since we decided not to participate in co-op this year. It was great to spend the day enjoying each other’s company.

I’m reading… Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin. It is a great book with a good story line. I need to find more time to read this weekend.

A photo to share…4


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