This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, September 3, 2012

TOPs update ~ Audaces fortuna iuvat

World Class Gymnastics Lv5 team 2011-2012 049 We got the news Saturday afternoon that Mikayla was not selected to go to TX to test for the National team. It was hard news to break as she has trained so hard for this. However, TOPs does not define her as a gymnast, as she has made great strides this year!

My dad reminded me of something yesterday. As parents, we are teaching our girls that “one achieves by putting oneself out there, doing hard things and taking (non- life threatening) risks”.

 Audaces fortuna iuvat ~ fortune favors the bold.

Lv. 5 STATE meet - Happy Bday 122
Mikayla was bold enough to switch gyms last year. As a family we took a risk and she (and Madison) had an amazing season last year as a Lv5, making it to State and taking 2nd place AA with a 37.900.  I know that with the TOPs training she has had she will have another amazing season this year as a Lv 7.

God has another blessing in store for her right now, we just need to wait and see...


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