Friday, September 7, 2012

Reading Kingdom ~ a TOS review

 PhotobucketFor the past few weeks Montana and I  have been plugging away at Reading Kingdom, a new online reading program. It was created by Dr. Marion Blank, world renowned reading expert and Director of the Light on Learning Program at Columbia University. The Reading Kingdom program is designed to teach children ages 4-10 how to read and write to a third grade level.
With interactive and easy-to-use components the program offers a customized online reading instruction for your child.  Instead of your child having to  learn numerous complicated rules Reading Kingdom utilizes the six skills method for reading, which include: sequencing, motor skills, phonemic awareness, meaning, grammar, and reading comprehension.
Reading Kingdom is easy to start, no need to download anything just log on to the website. Montana first had to complete the assessment, which was long and not an enjoyable experience for either of us, but we persevered and made it through. The assessment suggested that Montana start in Letter Land. I had a lot of grumbling from Montana to get her to sit and complete this part because it was so long and repetitive. I understand why the repetitiveness of it but when your 5 years old, it is kind of hard to handle. She kept asking me when do we get to the fun part? Nonetheless, Montana made it through Letter Land and proceeded to  Reading/Writing Level 1 where we are currently plugging through. In her eyes it is a bit more fun than Letter Land, so I am happy that it is not such a struggle.
Overall, I love the concept of Reading Kingdom, however, for our family it was a bit of a struggle for Montana to handle such repetitiveness and slowness of the initial assessment which seemed more of a typing program than a reading program. But I understand the method they are trying to achieve so do not let that stop you from giving it a try in your family. Will Montana continue using Reading Kingdom? Yes, like I said before I enjoy the concept of the program and have seen some improvement in Montana’s daily reading! Plus the exposure to seeing new words is a great plus too.
If you want to try Reading Kingdom out for your family, you can sign up for 30 Day Free Trial. After the trial period has ended and you would like to continue, a subscription costs $19.99 a month or $199.99 for a year - a year membership reflects 20% off the price. Also, there is a scholarship program available for those who qualify. Be sure to click the banner below and see what my Crewmates thought of the program.
Company/Product ~ Reading Kingdom
Price ~ $19.99 a month or $199.99 a year (includes 20% off)
Ages ~ 4 – 10
DISCLAIMER: I received a year subscription to Reading Kingdom, in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.
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