We have entered into the realm of upper level math in our homeschool. While Math is not my favorite subject, I must admit I am not too shabby at it, well except when you get to statistics and then I can use all the help I can get. Luckily Mr. Weissman wrote the Math911 program which is a complete introductory Algebra course.
Math911 is intended for students who are convinced they can’t do Algebra.
Math911 is a straight forward, no frills tutorial software that generates math problems in Introductory Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry, and Pre-Calculus. Available as a download, right from the website it is quick and easy to install. Because Professor Weissman believes in a "Mastery Learning" approach your student is never graded for wrong answers. Students work the problems until they get a correct response and they "get it".

The vast array of topics are arranged by chapter, section and levels. Within each level, there are several types of problems that help to narrow down and identify trouble spots for your student, including graphing and algebraic word problems. A handy feature that I appreciated with this program is the included downloadable PDF files with topics on:
Intro To Whole Numbers
Addition & Subtraction
Multiplication Factors
Division of Wholes
Intro To The Integers
Multiply Divide Integers
Combine Like Terms
The math911 Standard Version contains a complete Introductory Algebra Course and can be downloaded from the Math911 website with no credit card or rebate required. Math911 also offers an upgraded Premier versions which includes topics on Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus and Statistics. We received the Premier / Premier Password/ Network Password versions that retails for $49.95 for all 3 versions and also include free upgrades and technical support, and in addition to the features in the Standard version.
To activate the registration codes for the Premier / Premier Password / Network Password after purchase you should:
1. Click on Register button and email us the Registration Codes
2. Identify yourself as a home schooler.
3. You will then receive an email with ALL Activation Codes for all versions:
~ Premier Version (one user, no password)
~ Premier Password (Multiusers with Passwords)
~ Network Version (Multiusers with passwords)
4. Passwords are randomly generated by the software.
5. Switch between versions by clicking the REGISTER button and entering the codes for the desired version. * As always Tech support is always free.
Thoughts from Marie, 10th grader ~ the color pallet was an odd choice and not really appealing to me. At times the problems were challenging because I was not used to the format of the program. I know I would need more explanation for the more advanced topics and not just step-by-step solutions.
My final thoughts ~ All in all I think this is a great concept for math minded people. If you struggle in math or need a little bit extra help this may not be the best fit for your family, even with the step-by-step solutions. I see us continuing to use this program as needed or if we ever get "stuck" on a concept and need a new way at looking at it. Give it a try for yourself with a special back-to-school offer. Download the Introductory Algebra course for free from the website. Check out what my crew mates thought by clicking the banner below.

Company/Product~ Math911
Price ~ $49.95
Ages ~ 12 and up
DISCLAIMER: I received a year subscription to Math911, in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.