Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Homeschool Legacy: Early Settlers in America ~ a TOS review

PhotobucketImagine spending a week or more studying any topic in your homeschool or just for learning enrichment if you afterschool. Whether it be Native Americans, Knights & Nobles, Early Settlers, or digging into our Constitution Homeschool Legacy has you covered with there Once-A-Week Unit Studies.


Homeschool Legacy and Once-a-Week Unit Studies were born from my passion to help families build a strong, Godly, family legacy.

Due to the engaging and interactive nature of unit studies, they helped bring our family together, provided a lifetime of precious memories, and helped us build a strong, loving, Godly, family legacy. Both of our sons love the Lord, are pursuing their gifts and passions, and we are truly each other's best friends.

Once-a-Week Unit Studies are a result of my desire to help you experience those same blessings with the least amount of preparation on your part.

                                                                                         ~ from website

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Homeschool Legacy’s Once a Week Studies is a great companion for busy parents. Preparation time is minimal and you only need to make a quick stop to the library to pick up books. And unit studies are a great way to learn about any topic you fancy all the while covering the basics like Bible, reading, writing, history, and/or science. Want to know something else? These Once-A-Week Unit Studies correlate to your Boy Scouts or American Heritage Girls merit badges. How great is that! Your Boy Scout or American Heritage Girl will be able to earn merit badges all the while completing their everyday school work.

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We were able to review the Early Settlers in America Unit Study that is spread out over a six week period. It retails for $17.95 and is appropriate for grades 2-12. Early Settlers in America covers:

Week 1: The Lost Colony – Roanoke, North Carolina               

Week 2 The First Successful Settlement: Jamestown, Virginia

Week 3:Holland

Week 4: The Pilgrims – Plymouth, Massachusetts

Week 5: Pennsylvania

Week 6: New York/ Report on a Colony of Your Choosing

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The author includes a schedule to show you how to fit it all in throughout the week.


Your regular daily studies

Unit Study library reading selections

Unit Study Family Read-Aloud


Your regular daily studies

Unit Study library reading selections

Unit Study Family Read-Aloud

Wednesday - Unit Study Day

Eliminate regular daily studies

Unit study Family Devotional

Unit study library reading selections

Unit Study Family Read-Aloud

Unit study Activities


Your regular daily studies

Unit Study library reading selections

Unit Study Family Read-Aloud


The 3 R’s (including your unit study reading)

Unit Study Family Read-Aloud

Unit Study Field Trip (or on Saturday with Dad)

Family Movie Movie/Game Night (unit study related)

                                     ~ Scheduling your unit study from website

Sept. vacation 2012 GWL, JMSTWN, YRKTWN,DC 077 

I primarily used this unit study with Mikayla as we had originally started out our school year studying the American History time period for her. We have since changed our history timeframe to keep us all in one time period. However, there are so many activities, great books, and projects to complete that we only made it through The Lost Colony and Jamestown segments by stretching each part out for two weeks each. I did not follow the schedule above because I needed to make it fit for our family. Instead of doing the program 5 days a week, I made it fit our schedule by working on it for 3 days a week and by switching Wednesday as our Unit Study Day to Fridays.

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We enjoyed our study and concluded it with a trip to Jamestown for the Homeschool days they offer during the month of Sept. This was our first trip to Jamestown and we really enjoyed our tour as we strolled through the Powhatan Indian village and heard stories of Pocahontas and her family. We also toured the pier and one of the ships, the Constance. Ending our tour we walked around the Jamestown fort and explored some of the buildings.

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Overall, this was a great experience using the Once-A-Day Unit study and being able to connect it with a trip to Jamestown. I could really tell that the info we learned from this unit study had sunk in as she was able to answer some of the questions during our class time and tour. For that, I highly recommend this program. I definitely think you should check this unit study our or one of the many others they offer including:

  • Birds of a Feather
  • Forest for the Trees
  • Horsing Around
  • Weather on the Move
  • Knights & Nobles
  • Native America
  • Early Settlers
  • Revolutionary Ideas
  • We the People: Getting to know your Constitution
  • Lewis & Clark
  • Christmas Comes to America

each of the unit studies ranges from $15.95 - $19.95.

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Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of the Early Settlers Once-A-Day Unit Study and the 10 other unit studies being reviewed by clicking  on the banner below.


Company ~ Homeschool Legacy

Product ~ Early Settlers in America

Price ~ $17.95

Ages ~ grades 2-12


DISCLAIMER: I received Early Settlers in America from Homeschool Legacy, in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.

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