Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School

Our first day of the 2012 – 2013 school year is underway. We had tears and just plain sleepiness, but Whew, we made it!

1st day of school 2012-2013 028  It was a soggy day in our neck of the woods so we took our first day picture on the couch in the family room. And look, even Mason joined us for the picture. ( you can only imagine how tough it was to get this shot, everyone looking at the camera).

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For breakfast I cooked the Homeschool Mom’s French Toast, a recipe that I found at Dawne’s from In Christ Alone Mom’s blog. I have never been a fantastic French toast maker, but this recipe was quick and easy and the girls really enjoyed it. We started school right on time at 730AM with our morning time which included Bible, recitations, read-aloud, and prayer.

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McKenzie who woke up at 600AM took a 3.5 hour nap a little after 800AM, in her favorite spot, under the table. She was knocked out! Things were moving really smoothly and lessons were going well until about 845AM, when this wave of sleepiness overcame me! I was literally falling asleep reading the History book to Mikayla. By 900AM, I called a timeout and told the girls I needed to take a quick cat nap, and I did just that. I gave them the option of taking a break for 1 hour or to continue going on with their lessons. Marie and Madison kept plugging away, while Mikayla and Montana took a break.  McKenzie was still out under the table :-)        Iphone pictures up to 8-21-2012 789  Iphone pictures up to 8-21-2012 798 Iphone pictures up to 8-21-2012 787Iphone pictures up to 8-21-2012 801By 10AM I was back in the saddle and raring to go. We were able to get everything on our schedules checked off for the day.  For this box checker, that made me a happy camper. So, with 1 day down and 179 more to go, here’s to many more days of learning!

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