This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Monday, August 6, 2012

And the waiting begins…


t5We ended up traveling to Maryland to Hill’s Gymnastics Training Center this past weekend for Mikayla to test in the last TOPs (Talent Opportunity Program) testing for the USAG. Yes, this is the Hill’s that trained 3 Olympians including 3 time Olympian Dominique Dawes! Initially, I agonized over the decision of whether we should go since we had just traveled 2 1/2 hours the previous weekend for a testing and the fact that Mikayla would not do her back handspring on the balance beam.  By the end of the week Mikayla was confident enough to do the skill on the beams in the gym  without Coach Nici spotting her.t4

However, come testing day she still did not do the back handspring without a spot from Coach Kyle, which equates to a zero skill. I am glad that we went, it was a great experience for Mikayla. She had to learn to battle fear and to move on and do your best at the next apparatus. She excelled on the bars and floor nearly maxing out the points for those skill areas. She also improved on her leg lifts, doing the max of 20 and having 13 count this week instead of last week having only 3 count.

Now we wait to find out if her scores make the state qualifying cutoff and she earns herself a trip to the National Training Center in Texas. No matter what the end result is, the Lt. and I are so proud of her accomplishments she has made so far!

Good job Mikayla!!!

Lv. 5 STATE meet - Happy Bday 139

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