Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Who is my Neighbor? ~ a TOS review

PhotobucketI am sure you know we are huge fans of Apologia ministries. We had the opportunity to review the third book in the What We Believe series, Who is My Neighbor? ~ And Why Does He Need Me? over the last few weeks. If you are new here, let me tell you a little bit about this series.


Our children are bombarded on a daily basis with competing messages. Every song, movie, book, TV show, blog, and game is full of ideas—ideas about truth, morality, beauty, identity, faith, and more. Not all of these ideas are true. Some are wrong, some are deceptive, and some are outright destructive. It is more important than ever that young children be equipped to discern among competing ideas and stand in the truth. This is why Apologia has teamed with Summit Ministries to bring you the "What We Believe" Series. The "What We Believe" Series is an outstanding way to teach your child the essential beliefs of the Christian faith, but it’s so much more! With this student-directed, Bible-based curriculum, your children will learn how to use Scripture as a lens through which to view the world around them—to see everything the way God sees it—and know the truth.

                                                                             ~from website

Need I say more? The single most important subject in our HOMEschool is teaching our children worldview; how we see the world and what we believe. If i have done nothing else in this journey of raising my daughters, I hope to have instilled a Christian Worldview in them so they will know the truth. Apologia ministries helps me do this by producing quality products.

"The third book in the award-winning What We Believe series helps children understand what it means to be salt and light to the world (Matthew 5:13-14). This study will encourage kids to develop a Christlike servant attitude based on these biblical truths: God created me to be a blessing to the world; God chooses to work through me; I can make a difference at home, in my community, and at church; the church is God's family; the church is one body with many gifts; and I am an important member of Jesus' body."

                                                                                      ~from website

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This new book in the series was written for children aged 6-14. Like previous titles in this series, each lesson begins with The Big Idea, followed with a few short stories, Think About It questions, vocabulary words, Scripture verses to copy and memorize, character traits, discussion questions, prayers, and the final portion of each lessons is a story of an Encounter with Jesus. As you continue to progress through the book you will continue to build the House of Truth - a visual model of a Christian Worldview.

Lessons in Who is My Neighbor encourage your children to build a servant attitude based on biblical truths:
*God created me to be a blessing to the world
*God chooses to work through me
*I can make a difference at home, in my community, and at church
*the church is God’s family
*the church is one body with many gifts
*I am an important member of Jesus’ body

Who Is My Neighbor? is affordable priced at $39.00 for the book, $24.00 for the notebooking journal, and $8.00 for the coloring book. Each book in What We Believe series is meant to stand alone. You do not have to use the previous two books in the series first in order to use Who Is My Neighbor? With the notebooking journal this book can be used with multiple ages. The notebooking journal is a huge hit here and is filled with questions, word searches, and other activities to help your kids dive deeper into the topics within the book. For younger children, Apologia has a coloring book where each drawing depicts a story or teaching related to the lesson. My littles especially enjoy the coloring book.

We recommend this book hands down and the entire series for that matter! Apologia produces great products so be sure to check out their website. Be sure to check out what my fellow Crewmates thought of this product by clicking the banner below. You can also read my reviews of the previous to books, Who is God? ~ And How Can I Really Know Him? and Who am I? ~ And What Am I Doing Here?, by clicking on the titles.


Company ~ Apologia

Product ~ Who is my Neighbor? ~ And Why Does He Need Me?

Price ~ 39.00 for the book, $24.00 for the notebooking journal, and $8.00 for the coloring book

Ages ~ 6 – 14 year olds

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Disclaimer: I received a copy of Apologia’s Who is My Neighbor? And Why Does He Need Me? book, notebooking journal, and coloring book, in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.

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