Beginning July 30th I will be participating in the Schoolhouse Review Crew’s 5 days of Back to HOMESCHOOL Blog hop. More than 70 bloggers will be blogging for five days about the following Back To Homeschool themes:
Homeschool Methods ~ What is your style? Unit Studies, Charlotte Mason, Unschooling, Classical? Which method is right for your homeschool?
Homeschool Curriculum ~ The most popular question among homeschool mom’s has to be, “What curriculum do you use?”
Homeschool Planning ~ How do you plan your day . . . week. . . year? Do you follow year-around schedules, or on a traditional “public” school schedules.
Homeschool Classrooms ~ One of my favorites, where do you “do” school? Come take a sneak peek at the Crew’s classrooms and other spaces.
Homeschool Co-ops ~ And to wrap up the week, the big question. Do you co-op or not to co-op?
Don’t miss the Back to Homeschool Blog Hop July 30 – August 3rd. I will be giving away two prizes for my readers during the week so be sure to check back!