Friday, June 22, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up ~ School year is DONE!!

balloon bouquet Whew, we may made it! Another year down and the planning has begun for the 2012-2013 school year. We still have to test for proficiency and that will be done next week. I have learned a lot from this past year and I will take that new found knowledge into account as we head into another year come August.

st swim

So, just what do we have planned for the summer break? Lots of family time, pool time, and gymnastics and cheer time. Finding the balance will be key to a smooth, relaxing summer. I am hoping to find that balance quickly as this week was a whirlwind of activity. Do you want to know how many times I drove to and from the gym which is 30 minutes away (each way) on a good day?

19 times!

Crazy, I know! Next week our carpool starts in full force and I am so thankful for that! My drive time will be cut down dramatically and I think know my pocketbook will be happy about that. (Very thankful that gas is so low right now too).

     c swim

Montana started her first Level 4 practice on Monday afternoon and she loves it! She is so cute at her practice. She is at the end of the line because she is the youngest at 5 and the smallest, but do not let that fool you she can hold her own!Coach Barbara is so good with the new girls and Montana wants to go everyday like her sisters. She gets up bright and early to see them off each day.  Speaking of which, I have decided that Madison and Mikayla will not be continuing on with 5 days (6 days for Mikayla because of TOPs) in July and August.  It is just too much!  On me, on them, and it is so stinking HOT in the gym. Mikayla has all the skills needed for the Level 7 (and then some) and Madison only has a few more skills for Level 7. So, we are scaling back from 25-27 hours a week to 20 hours for Madison, and 22 hours for Mikayla. Wowzers, That is a lot when you write it down! These girls are committed, and they have not lost the fire in their eyes because believe you me {hehe…my mom used to say that all the time :-)} when they say they don’t want to do gymnastics anymore, then we will walk away…as hard as that may be.


Marie is doing awesome at her new cheer team. I am so glad that we made the switch. Even when I was so hesitant to let her cheer with the new team because of skill level conflicts. She is now back flying, something she has not done since  our days with CheerStarz in WA. She is a natural at it and is continuing to work on her flexibility and tumbling. She was asked to double team again this year with a team at the Beach, however, with our schedule it just is not possible to drive 1hr each way with major TRAFFIC. Yes, she would have been on a team that pushed her skill level to the max, but God has a different plan right now for her and we are content. Marie’s main goal for this season is to get her full in a tumbling pass.

f swim

McKenzie is just being the normal average 2 year old. She is very curious about everything  and into everything.  She loves to swim in the pool and does not show any fear of the water. Don’t worry Grandma we watch her like a hawk!  Her vocabulary is expanding exponentially everyday.

Happy Father's Day 2012 134

Well, that is our week in a nutshell. We will be hanging out by the pool this weekend and grilling on the grill. How was your week?  Are you done with school yet?  Any big plans for summer break?

I am linking this up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers Weekly Wrap Up. Stop by and see what others were up to this week.

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