The Principle Approach is a method of biblical reasoning where the student identifies the biblical foundations or “principles” of every subject and then they are enabled to correctly identify and Interpret the facts. The Judah Bible Curriculum uses a "Principle Approach" to teach and instill the following:
- The BIBLE as the textbook ~ students study and learn the Bible.
- The student learns God's purpose in history ~ through studying the hand of God in the lives of men and nations throughout the Bible.
- The student develops personal reasoning ability ~ helping him to apply Biblical principles personally.
- This curriculum helps you shift from rote learning to Biblical reasoning.
- The student learns relationship ~ connecting the sovereignty of God and personal responsibility of individuals and between individual character and national liberty.”
"Having a Christian school is not enough; we must have a Christian education. We need a Biblical philosophy, content, and methodology because we know that our education will be producing character in our students, and we want our efforts to produce specifically Christian character." ~ Bill Burtness, Judah Bible Curriculum K-12 Manual
We received the K-12 downloadable version of this product for review, including the Elementary Notebooks Ideas booklet, and the 8 lecture teacher training seminar which retails for $44.00. I should mention that there is a hard copy version also that sells for $74.00. JBC divides the Bible into 5 themes with the Old Testament taught during the first semester while the New Testament is covered in the second semester. These 5 themes are presented chronologically and describe what is happening governmentally through the Bible as follows:
- Theme 1. Creation
- Theme 2. The Plan of Redemption Begins
- Theme 3. Kingdom of Israel
- Theme 4. Kingdom of God
- Theme 5. Early Church
While, we have enjoyed parts of this curriculum I know that it is not a good fit for our family. It is not an open and go curriculum and requires planning on the teachers part. Which is not a bad thing at all. I have enjoyed listening to the lecture series and have learned a few new things. Be sure to check out what my Crewmates thought of this curriculum. Others had better luck organizing and presenting it than I did.

Price ~ Hard copy~ $7400; Digital Download $44.00
Ages ~ K-12 to adult
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Disclaimer ~ I received a copy of Judah Bible Curriculum, in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.