This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Level 5 State Championships ~ "Veni, vidi, vici!"

   262 217 That’s Latin for “I came, I saw, I conquered!” This was the girls battle cry the week leading up to the State meet.  Wow, We had an awesome weekend!  Madison and Mikayla both qualified for State Gymnastics championships this year that was held in Radford.  Because of their age difference we had a long weekend with Mikayla placed in the 8 AM Saturday, Session 1 while Madison was in the 12 PM Sunday, Session 5. Let me just say that getting 7 people up, dressed, fed, with hair done just right and out the door by 7 AM in an unfamiliar town is no easy task .  And trust me, hair does matter.  We have had a hair malfunction this season that threw one of my girls off her game. It matters. Nonetheless, we made it both days with plenty of time to spare.

Both girls had an outstanding meet!  They both conquered the meet and accomplished the goals they had set for themselves. Mikayla started off her competition with floor.  During warm-ups I could tell that she was nervous. She would pause and think about her next step.  She settled down after a few minutes of practice and put her game face on and  got down to business.

Mikayla met all the goals she set for herself, including getting four blue event ribbons, something that has eluded her all season. She earned ice cream sandwiches for her teammates from Coach Kyle by scoring a 9.725 on the Uneven Bars (the second highest score on any event in her session of 25 girls ).  Also, with that bar score she was named the 9Jr-1 State Uneven Bar Champion!!!!  Way to go Mikayla!!!! (Now, if I can figure out how to include the video of her bar routine I will post it.  I am having trouble getting it loaded and the quality is somehow off).


Lv. 5 STATE meet - Happy Bday 122 Here are Mikayla’s scores:

Vault ~ 9.050 (7TH)

Uneven Bars ~ 9.725 (***STATE CHAMPION 1ST)

Balance Beam ~ 9.600 (3RD)

Floor ~ 9.525 (6TH)

All-Around ~ 37.9 (***2ND by .10)




Madison’s meet goals were straight to the point. To score a 35.0 All-Around and to get four blue ribbons.  While she did not accomplish the latter she still came out on top with two red ribbons and two blue ribbons, which is nothing to be disappointed in since it is a season personal best. Madison also earned a special treat for her teammates by sticking her beam routine and landing her elusive cartwheel. She fought tooth and nail to stay on that beam and the judges awarded her so with a blue ribbon and a score of 9.100, her season personal best! It was a tough field of 30 11Jr-2’s at the meet but she did her best and had FUN and that is all we could ever ask for. 

Lv. 5 STATE meet - Happy Bday 212


Here are Madison’s scores:

Vault ~ 8.600 (25TH)

Uneven Bars ~ 8.600 (23RD)

Balance Beam ~ 9.100 (16th)

Floor ~ 9.250 (***11TH)

All-Around ~ 35.550 ( 19TH)


Success ~
Some people dream of success,
while others wake up and work hard at it.

Lv. 5 STATE meet - Happy Bday 100  Trinity&Kate 2nd AA's

To our awesome Coaches, Coach Nici & Coach Kyle, thanks for all that you do and for believing in us both! We both would not have been here without your hard work and belief in us.  Here Mikayla is with her best gym bud K., who also placed 2nd AA in the 7 year old division. Go K!!!

Lv. 5 STATE meet - Happy Bday 206

It has been an awesome 1st season with World Class Gymnastics! I am so glad that we listened to past coaches and more importantly listened and followed God’s plan for our girls last August.  It was a big change and leap of faith to switch gyms during the summer. However, it is worth every penny we pay, worth every one of the miles driven back and forth to the gym 5 days a week. It is priceless because this gym is paving the way to two little girls dreams of being college gymnasts and whatever else the Lord has in store for their gymnastic careers. We could not be any happier with our new World Class Family and the special friendships that the girls and us parents have formed.

 "Veni, vidi, vici"



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