This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5 Days of Raising a Competitive Athlete, day 2 ~ scheduling

competathletics-1 Welcome back! Today I am going to tell you what it is like to keep up with the schedule of my competitive athletes. Let's just say I like color-coded schedules. Since Gymnastics and cheerleading are in the same season it can get pretty hectic at times getting to meets and competitions, however, we lucked out this past season with only a few schedule conflicts. Currently,  Marie trains for 9 hours, Madison trains for 18 hours, Mikayla trains for 20 hours, Montana trains for 6 hours a week. With summer fast approaching my gymnasts will add a few more hours into their schedules while Marie should decrease a bit due to the fact that she will only be on one competing cheer team next season. My gymnasts will also train in the morning, because it gets so H-O-T here, which will make it easier on me. Now  I am going to give you an overview of a typical day in the life of our family from sun up to sun down.

600-630 AM ~ I wake up, shower, and have my quiet time and devotions
630 – 715AM ~ blog, check email, Facebook, and read
715 - 740AM ~ daily morning chat with my Aunt Joyce
730AM ~ Marie is up and ready for her day and begins her lessons (she is pretty independent and we have a check in mid-day and at the end of the day) I wake the Madison & Mikayla and they do their morning routine.
745AM ~ Montana & McKenzie rise and get ready for the day
800AM breakfast
820AM ~10 minute tidy/ morning chores
830 - 1130AM ~ school lessons for the younger four girls, 10 Am quick snack break for those who need it.
1130 -1145 ~15 minute tidy/ prep for lunch
1145 - 1230PM ~ lunch break/ clean up
1230 – 100PM ~ Recess with our best neighbor friends
100 – 300PM ~ school lessons
300 – 325PM ~ snack, 10 minute tidy, prep for gymnastics/cheer practice
330PM ~ leave for practice ( Mon, Wed., Thur., Friday) - 900

Gym schedule

400PM - drop off Madison &  Mikayla for gymnastics, chat with other Moms
430 -500PM - leave to take Marie to cheer gym
500 -530PM - back to gymnastics gym to drop off Montana for practice
530 – 650PM - head home to cook dinner, clean kitchen, tidy up
700PM - head back to gyms to pick up girls and bring them dinner
705PM - turn back around and go home because you forgot the dinner bag :-)
730PM - Montana is done with practice, wait in lobby and chat with other Moms and wrestle with McKenzie if I brought her along, if she is trying to get inside the gym.
800PM - Madison & Mikayla are done with practice, head to get Marie from cheer gym
830PM - pick up Marie and then head home
900 PM - HOME, get ready for bed

Above is our weekday schedule. On Saturday, Madison & Mikayla need to be at the gym bright and early at 8AM, so we have to be up and out of the house no later than 730. Practice for them is from 8 - 1pm. Montana also has practice on Saturday from 12- 130PM. We are usually home on Saturday by 2PM unless we stop at the library or run errands.

So, that is our week. Yes, it is a lot of driving and a lot of time commitment but I would not have it any other way. My Aunt Janice, who homeschools my cousin calls and talks with me while I am making my 30 minute driving "loop" for drop offs and pick ups. The good news is that starting in June, Marie will be switching cheer gyms and will be training at the gymnastics gym with the girls. Not sure what that means for my schedule but I know I will be saving on gas a bit and that is a plus in my book!

Make sure you come back tomorrow so I can tell you how I feed these athletes of mine. Nutrition plays a huge role in our overall balance and health, something that I found out the hard way. Do not forget to check out what my Crewmates have to say in the other 64 5 days.


***the lack of pictures in this post is due to my lost camera charger. I will update this post with pictures as soon as my new charger arrives***

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