This blog is my attempt to document our busy but BLESSED lives raising and educating our children for His glory. A child of God, wife to one, and mom to 6 fabulous kids. We are in our 16th year of homeschooling using a Classical ~ Literature based approach.

Come along for the good, the bad & the ugly.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

2012 – 2013 Plan of study

11  Yes, it’s that time of year again when everyone starts thinking of what they will use for next school year.  Well, I have made my list, checked it twenty billion times  twice, and ordered everything.  I am especially happy because I came in under budget by $60.00, YAY!! We mainly follow a classical style of education, but I find myself leaning towards Charlotte Mason approach too.

This year we are transitioning back to Sonlight. We strayed last year and it has left me somewhat frazzled as we finished up our current year. But I am back on track now and have realized my mistake. So, we are going back to what works for our family, and right now that is Sonlight. Because I have children at all different levels (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) we will be attempting to complete 4 Cores this year.  Is that crazy? I hope not!!! I have recently found out that we will be studying the same Core’s as several of our local friends, including a new gymnastics friend, and that is exciting in itself. Field trips anyone???

Heading into year 4 I am super confident and I have a feeling of calmness. That is a good thing, right?  The Lt. and I have decided that we will not participate in co-op next school year. It was a very hard decision that I wrestled with last school year also, but I know it is the best decision for our family right now. So, without further ado here is our 2012 – 2013 Plan of Study.

FAITH 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3279_copy_copy-1211241 McKenzie ~ Pre-K3
Teach Me Joy ~ Animal Play
Letter of the Week
Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready
Mathematical Reasoning ~ Beginning 1
Books, books, and more books
PE ~ Tumble Bunny gymnastics 1 hr/wk

Montana ~ Kindergarten / 1stCADIE 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3217-928307
Memoria Press K/1 recitations

Apologia Zoo 2
Reading good books working way up to 30 minutes independently.
Saxon 1 * finish up book
Mathematical Reasoning, Level A
Family Math Fridays
CapJaxMathFacts, addition
Language Arts
Explode the Code, 1,2,3
A Reason for Writing, Book A
Short copy sentences
Level 4 gymnastics team, 12 hours/ week plus 2 hrs of TOPs
 *we opted Montana out of Kindergarten last year but she did do K work and learned to read. This year she will officially be a Kindergartener for School Board records.
TRINITY 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3236-927956Mikayla ~ 4th grade
~ Sonlight Bible D
~ morning recitations
~ Sonlight Core G (modified)
Language Arts
~ Rod and Staff Grammar 4
~ Rod and Staff Spelling 4
~ Word a Day vocabulary 4
~ A Reason for Handwriting, book D
~ reading lists
~ Saxon 6/5
~ CapJaxMathFacts
~ Family Math Fridays
~ Otter’s Elementary Science: The Human Body
~ Latin for Children, Primer A (2nd half)
~ Rod and Staff Happy Health Habits
~ World’s Greatest Artist ( picture study/art projects), 1 hr week
~World’s Greatest Composers Vol. 1
Level 7 gymnastics team  22+ hours/week plus 2 hrs of TOPs training

Madison ~ 6th gradeSAIGE 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3184-928171
~ Sonlight Bible G
~ morning recitations
~ Sonlight Core G: World History, part 1
~ notebooking, map work, outlining
Language Arts
~ Rod and Staff Grammar 6
~ Rod and Staff Spelling 7
~Writing with Skill
~ Word a Day vocabulary 6
~ reading lists
~ Saxon 7/6 w/ DIVE
~ Family Math (for Middle Schoolers) Fridays
~Planning my own program studying Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics for 12 weeks. We will be using a combination of Elemental Science and Christian Kids Explore. Yes, I know this looks like a lot of science this year, but this child has requested lots of science focus because she wants to be either a chemical or mineral engineer.
~ Red Herring for Science, A1
Latin / Foreign Language
~ Latin for Children, Primer A (2nd half)
~ Homeschool Spanish Academy (Spring 2013)
~ Sonlight Health, Medicine, and Human Anatomy
~ World’s Greatest Artist ( picture study/art projects), 1 hr week
~World’s Greatest Composers Vol. 1
Level 6 gymnastics team  20+ hours/week

Marie ~ 10th gradeRAVEN 10_06_11_RSA_Student_Portraits_10_6_3259-928256
Bible History, 1 cr ~ Sonlight Bible Apologetics 200
English & Composition 2, 1.5 cr
~Classics of Literature 200
~ Excellence in Literature, Honors
History of God’s Kingdom, 1 cr ~ Sonlight Core 200
Math, 1 cr ~ Teaching Textbooks Geometry
Science (Honors), 1.5 cr
~ Honors Apologia Chemistry with Red Wagon Tutorials
Foreign Language, 1 cr
~ Alpha Omega Life Pac Spanish 2
Health, .5 cr (1st semester)
~Alpha Omega, Life Pac High School Health
Drivers Ed, .5 cr (1st  semester)
Home Ec, .25 cr (2nd semester)
~ Christian Light Press Home Economics I
PE, .5 cr
~ Competitive cheerleading, 2X’s a week
PSAT/SAT/ACT prep 1 hour/day
Total credits: 8.75 credits
Whew!!! If you read this far, you are awesome!  We will have many more opportunities to try out and review new products as we sail again with the TOS Crew. I will be linking this up with several linky’s in the next few months as they come available.
So, what are your curriculum plans for next year? Have you started planning?

Not Back to School Blog Hop

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