Tuesday, April 24, 2012

TOS Review: Amazing Science, Vol. 1


                                     That’s AMAZING! 

PhotobucketHow often do you hear that in school? Let alone for Science.  My girls L-O-V-E science and their curiosity for discovery and knowledge has grown exponentially within the last few months. Around mid-March we received an awesome video called Amazing Science!, Vol. 1 from Science and Math. Even if you are Science-phobic I think you will LOVE these videos.

Learn fundamental principles of science through Amazing Science Experiments! You'll learn about electricity, magnetism, heat, temperature, pressure, surface tension, buoyancy, and much more.

For every demonstration, a complete materials list is given, and each experiment features multiple camera views so you can see exactly what happens.

Most importantly, every concept is explained in a step-by-step fashion. You’ll not only be amazed – you’ll understand the science behind every experiment!

                                                               ~ excerpt from back cover


Your instructor when watching the DVD’s is Jason Gibson, who earned advanced degrees in Engineering and Physics. While Mr. Gibson has worked as a Rocket Scientist for NASA, his passion has always been for teaching Science and Math. His enthusiasm is contagious and watching the experiment is always fun! At the beginning of the experiment Mr. Gibson,  gives you a quick rundown of what is going to happen. Any materials that are needed are right on the screen.   The experiment is shot with at least three different camera angles and Mr. Gibson explains the why and what of each experiment. Want a sample, watch five of the twenty-three experiments contained on the two DVDs, you can click HERE.


This set of 2 DVDs covers 23 different jaw dropping, AMAZING experiments retails for $19.95 (there is a digital download for $17.95) that will teach you about air pressure, electricity, heat, surface tension, magnetism, and so much more.

The experiments on Volume 1 include:

Disk 1

  1. Color Changing Milk
  2. Egg in a Bottle
  3. Exploring Air Pressure
  4. Build a Lemon Battery
  5. Inverted Cup of Water
  6. Candle Suction Power
  7. Amazing Magnetic Force
  8. Lift an Ice Cube with String
  9. Unburnable Money
  10. Matchstick Speedboat
  11. Cloud in a Bottle
  12. Reversing an Image with Water

Disk 2

  1. Floating Eggs
  2. Keep Paper Dry Underwater
  3. Dry Ice Bubbles
  4. Balloon in a Candle Flame
  5. Ocean in a Bottle
  6. Build a Motor with Lights
  7. Simple Lava Lamp
  8. Invisible Ink
  9. Density Tower
  10. Soda Can Fizz
  11. Build a Motor #2

We LOVE it! I can not say enough good things about this DVD.  Even if you are not science oriented check it out and you will be amazed!  My girls loved it and for our upcoming trip they have requested this DVD to be one of the movies we bring for the road trip.  Now, that’s Amazing!!! 2 thumbs up from us, it will be the best $20. you spend this year! Check out what my Crewmates thought of this DVD by clicking here.


Company ~ ScienceandMath.com

Product ~ Amazing Science, Vol. 1

Price ~$19.95 or $17.95 digital download

Ages ~ all

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Disclaimer ~ I received a copy of Amazing Science, Vol. 1, in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of cash for my reviews. The opinions I have given are mine and may differ from others but are not influenced by the company or the free product provided.

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