Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up ~ Wk 22: 3/5 girls sick

wk221It has been a bad week, but I know it could be a whole lot worse. So I am thankful.

Thankful that my girls are now on the mend. Thankful that the 103.9 fevers have left their bodies.


School went on as usual on Monday only. Above is one of Madison’s vocabulary cards/words for this week.  I love how she puts so much detail into her work.  Montana struggled to finish her lessons that morning but when we went out to recess with our  neighbors look what she did!


She wrote her math double facts 0-5 and wrote 3 sentences.

The cat ran.

Montana had dog Mason.

Montana has a dog Mason.

I think we need to take advantage of the weather and use the driveway as our chalkboard for learning.

  Tuesday eveningsickness 005

Friday afternoon


The rest of the week was spent just nursing the girls back to health. As I write this on Saturday evening, Mikayla’s fever has come back so she will  be getting another dose of Motrin soon.  McKenzie is feeling better too and she has been her normal 2 year old self while Madison seems to be on the mend.  Everybody is eating again which is really good. They are all very lean as it is they don’t have much body fat to lose.

sickness 002 sickness 006

The girls friends and coaches from our homeschool group and gymnastics are great!  Several have called or messaged me to check on them and see how they are doing and if we need anything. I got a personal message from the head coach on Friday afternoon and it warmed my heart with the kind words she has about my girls.

wk225 It is Daddy/Daughter time again in our house.  Marie is up first this time and the she and the Lt. are sprucing up her room.  As much as it pains me to let them paint, especially when I hear, “Babe, where’s the Resolve?!?” 2 minutes into starting the project {YIKES!}, but I let them do it, ALL! Marie picked out a Turquoise color called Nautical from Lowes.  It is a little bright for my tastes but it is growing on me and I am trying to just go with the flow. I will do another post once the room is all spruced up and perdy.

That is how our week went, how was yours? Consider linking up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers and see how other’s weeks went as well.

P.S.  Montana wants me to let you know that at gymnastics today Coach Scott said she was the “Beam Queen”, she is over the moon on cloud 9!

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