Friday, March 2, 2012

March 3in30 Goals

February flew by and I missed linking up my goals…but now that March is upon us I am ready to get back at it.

 1. Finalize curriculum plans for 2012 ~ 2013:

FlibraryA decision needs to be made as to whether Marie is going to High School or staying home.  I prefer the latter, but the ultimate decision is in the Lt.’s hands. I have given my input and all I can do is wait for the decision and keep praying. My budget is set so I need to finish finalizing curriculum choices for the younger girls.


2. Link up TOS Reviews sooner:

BlogRoll I am a procrastinator by nature.  I do my best work under a deadline.  Stressful at time, yes! My goal is to have my review written and ready to go no later than the third day that posting begins.

3. Menu/shopping:

Grocery shopping is not at the top of my list of favorite nor fun things to do, by far. Currently I go to the grocery store weekly erasmus-booksand I have to really psyche myself up for that.  A few weeks ago I read on Mrs. Taffy’s @ My Life on a Taffy Pull about her grocery groanings. The post spoke to me on more than one point. So for the month of March I am going to do grocery shopping twice and I am going to make the drive to the commissary.  I plan on going shopping either on Saturday or Sunday depending on our competition schedule because during the week practice schedule is too hectic.

Do you have any goals you need to accomplish?  Consider linking up with the 3in30 and get them done!

3in30 Challenge
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